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"Favorite Quotations of the Galesville Folks and their Friends, 1898"

Donated by Paula Rogers Huff

This booklet was originally a fund-raising project in 1898, according to a hand-written note inside this wonderful old copy.  Each person listed has a quotation from a literary figure like Tennyson, Longfellow, Byron, etc.  I will be happy to supply the quotation to people who request look-ups from this booklet.  Please limit requests to two lookups per email.  You can contact me at the email address listed above on this page.  Thanks and good luck.
Paula Rogers Huff

Click on the letter of interest to you --

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



Arnold, A. H.
Arnold, Alex. A.
Arnold, Alex. W.
Arnold, Beulah
Arnold, Gerald D.
Arnold, Mrs. A. A.
Arnold, Mrs. A. H.                                           

Ashley, Mary C.
Atwood, Frank
Atwood, H. B. (of Erwin S. D.)
Atwood, Lyman D.
Atwood, Mrs. Frank
Atwood, Mrs. Jennie

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Bartholomew, Walter
Bartlett, Edith
Bartlett, Mrs. H. C.
Beardsley, Mrs. Wealthy (of Waupun, Wis.)
Beck, C. A.( of Alzada, Mont.)

Bell, Ida C. (of La Crosse, Wis)
Bell, R. M. (of La Crosse, Wis.)
Bender, Mrs. Frank
Bender, Warren
Bennett, Mrs. P. (of Superior, Wis)
Benrud, Mrs. J. M.
Benton, Grace
Benton, Mr. W. W.
Benton, Mrs. D.
Bibby, J.M.
Bibby, Mrs. Louisa
Bidwell, Leonora C.
Bigelow, Arthur
Bigelow, Florence
Bigelow, Hazel D.
Bigelow, Mrs. W. P.
Bigham, Byrd
Bigham, Ellis
Bigham, Minnie H.
Bigham, Mrs. John
Birchard, Mildred Glendine

Birchard, Mrs. L. T.
Birchard, Walter
Birchard, Warren Edgar
Birdsall, Sara M.
Bixby, Mrs. Kate (of Chicago, Ill.)
Blair, Mr. R. (of Waukesha, Wis.)
Blair, Mrs. R. (of Waukesha, Wis.)
Brand, Mrs. Selensia (of Union Center, Wis)

Brooks, Helene

Brooks, Mr. A. W.
Brooks, Mrs. A. W.
Brooks, Mrs. Mary Calder (of Chippewa Falls)
Brooks, Mrs. W. T. (of Waupun, Wisconsin)

Brooks, W. C.
Brooks, W. C. (of Greenwood, Wis.)
Brooks, W. T. (of Waupun, Wisconsin)
Brothers, Rev. J. D.
Brown, A. Mae (of Rochester, Minn.)
Brown, Mrs. Hattie T.
Bunn, Ella
Bunn, F. C.
Bunn, Mrs. H. L.
Bunsen, Jenette. S. C.
Burdick, Mrs. P.
Butman, Eric H. (of Decora Prairie)
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Cance, J. E.     
Cance, Mrs. Christina
Cance, Verna C.
Canuteson, Ira T.
Canuteson, Mrs. I. T.
Canuteson, O. B.
Casey, Estelle
Castean, Mildred M.
Chappell, Alice Myrle
Chappell, D. D.
Chappell, Mrs. D. D.
Chappell, Nellie G.
Choppersky, Kathryn

Christiansen, Oscar R.
Christianson, Clara (of Ettrick)
Clark, E. F.
Clark, Emily D. (of Madison, S. D.) 
Clark, Mrs. E. F.
Clark, S. Mildred
Claussen, Mary
Cook, David
Cook, J.
Cook, Margaret (of Decora Prairie)
Cook, Mrs. J.
Crogan, Mattie
Cronemiller Fred (of Superior ,Wis.)
Cronemiller, A. A. (of Superior, Wisconsin)
Cronemiller, Mrs. Fred
Crummey, Ted. D.
Crummy, Geraldine, B. (of Poughkeepsie, NY)
Currier, B. May

Currier, J. J.
Curtis, Zoa J.
Czepull, Lizzie
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Davidson, John                          
Davidson, William
Davis, Addie M.
Davis, Ben. W.
Davis, Frank
Davis, Marguerite
Davis, Mary Dean
Davis, Mrs. Ben. W.
Dick, Mrs. W. H. (of Decora Prairie)                   
Douglas, Carrie T. (of Sparta, Wis)
Douglas, Natalie
Douglas, Price (of Sparta, Wis)
Douglas, Sherman (of Sparta, Wis)
Dustrud, Miss
Dutton, Geo. E.
Dutton, Mrs. Geo. E.
Dutton, Mrs. John
Dutton, Retta B.
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Elliott, Mrs. Amos (of Black River Falls)
Enghagen, Mrs. P. J.
Enghagen, P. J.                                  

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Farrand, C. W. of (Onalaska, Wis)
Farrand, Dr. C. H. (of La Crosse, Wis)
Farrand, Esther Nell
Farrand, Ira S.
Farrand, Lizzie M.
Farrand, Mrs. C. H.
Faulds, Annie P.
Feiring, Julius
Feton, Alice
Fiedler, F. H.
Fish, Mrs. E. M. (of Eau Claire, Wis.)
Fisher, Ann S.                            
Fisher, Grandma
Frahm, Ida H.
Frahm, Laura S.
Freeman, C. E. (of Ipara, Ill)
French, Clinton H. (of San Francisco)        
French, Mollie Arnold

French, Mrs. C. H. (of San Francisco)
French, Mrs. J. C.
French, Permelia
French, Stanley C.
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Gale, Minnie (of Mankato, Minn.)
Gale, Mrs. Gertrude
Gibbs, Louise G. (of Trempealeau, Wis)
Gibson, Effie B.
Gibson, Mary Agnes
Gilbert, A. H.
Gilbert, Mina
Gilbert, Mrs. A. H.
Gilbert, Mrs. N. D.
Gilbertson, Beatta
Gilbertson, Lillie J.
Gipple, B. F., Sr.
Gipple, Bert A.
Gipple, Mrs. Bert A.
Gipple, Will Burr
Grant, Duncan (of Decora Prairie)
Griffin, Mrs. M. D. (of Ripon, Wis) 
Grover, Mrs. William                                     
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Hafner, Tillie
Halderson, Mr. J. O.
Halderson, Mrs. J. O.
Hamilton, Mrs. E. A. (of Clear Lake , Wis)
Hammond, Cora Geraldine
Hardie, James
Harris, F. Edward
Harris, Grace
Harris, Lucy B. (of Reedsburg, Wis.)
Hauge, J. A.
Hauge, Mrs. J. A.
Hazen, Chester (of Ripon, Wis.)
Hazen, Miss Ella J. (of Ripon, Wis.)
Hazen, Mrs. Mary
Hensel, Edith M.
Herried, I. G.
Herried, Mrs. I. G.
Hewitt, Jerusha C.               
Hill, Annie H.
Hill, Maggie, K. G.
Hill, Mrs. T. C.
Hill, Rev. T. C.
Hill, Thomas J.
Hilton, Mrs. H.
Holmberg, Mrs. G.
Holmberg, Norval
Holmberg, R. J.
Howdle, Miss (of Spring Valley, Minn)
Hoyt, Mrs. S. G. (of Decora Prairie)
Hunter, Agnes
Hunter, Gennie
Hunter, Mae (of Decora Prairie)
Hunter, Mrs. Blanche A.
Hunter, Mrs. P. J.
Hunter, P. J.
Hutchins, O. S. (M.D)
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Jahn, Delia
James, J. W.
Jegi, Dr. H. A.
Jegi, Mrs. H. A.
Jensen, Marie           
Jensen, R. E.
Johnson, Gust

Johnson, L. M.
Johnson, Tena

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Keith, Cora A.
Keith, Ruth Alice
Keith, Winnifred Maud
Kellman, Anna Dean
Kellman, C. A
Kellman, F. A.
Kellman, Forest T.
Kellman, J. A.
Kellman, Mr. John
Kellman, Mrs. C. A.

Kellman, Mrs. F. A.
Kellman, Mrs. J. Alfred
Kellman, Mrs. John
Kellman, Vilas                 
Kennedy, Ella M.
Kennedy, Nettie Price
Kilmer, H. Maud
Kilmer, Mrs. Ira
Kilmer, Mrs. J. H.
Kingsbury, Mrs. F. W. (of Ripon, Wis.)
Kitman, Mrs. A. J.
Kneeland, Ella D.
Kneeland, Mrs. A. H.
Knutsen, Peter (of Ettrick, Wis)
Kribs, Aaron
Kribs, Henrietta M.
Kribs, Mrs. Aaron
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Ladd, Mrs. Laura B.      
Lawrence, G. H.
Lawrence, Mrs. G. W.
Lea, Mr. E.
Lea, Mrs. E.
Leake, Dr. C. W. (of Chicago, Ill.)
Leake, Mrs. C. W. (of Chicago, Ill.)
Lee, A. M. (of Decora Prairie)
Lee, Hollis I. (of Decora Prairie)    
Lee, Mrs. A. M. (of Decora Prairie)
Leenhouts, Mrs. Penelope M. (of New Amsterdam, Wis)
Leenhouts, Rev. Peter J. (of New Amsterdam, Wis)
Lindsey, Mrs. Beda S.

Luce, Mrs. H. G.
Luce, S. S.
Lund, Mrs. R. (of Decora Prairie)
Lund, R. (of Decora Prairie)

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M’Adam, T. T.
M’Cumber, Mrs. R. B. (of Waukesha, Wis.)
M’Dam, Annie H.
M’Keeth, E. Lynn
M’Keeth, Mrs. D.
M’Keeth, Mrs. Josephine
M’Keeth, S. Lottie
M’Millan, Isabella H. (of Ettrick)
Macartney, Mrs. R. J.
Mahoney, R. and Mrs. D. W. (of Ettrick, Wis.)
Mailer, Dr. W. P.
Mailer, Mrs. W. P.                                
Marsh, Mrs. Ella
Marshall, Mrs. Martha A.
Martin, Mrs. F.
Merz, Mr. J. A. (of Portland, Ore.)
Merz, Mrs. J. A. (of Portland, Ore.)
Miller, Adella W.
Morrison, Matie Irene

Morrison, Mrs. W. (of  Menomonie, Wis)
Morrison, W. L. (of Menomonie, Wis.)
Mrs. C. W. Churchill (of Eau Claire)
Mrs. O. S. Hutchins
Mrs. WM. P. Clark
Muth, Henry (of La Crosse, Wis.)
Muth, Mrs. E. Bertha (of La Crosse)
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Nicholls, John                                         
Nicholls, Mrs. John
Nichols, Mrs.
Noyes, Carl C. (of Great Falls, Mont)          
Noyes, Mr. G. E. (of Alpha, Burnett Co., Wis)
Noyes, Mrs. G. E. (of Alpha, Burnett Co., Wis)
Noyes, Mrs. S. D. (of Trempealeau, Wis.)
Noyes, Ray (of Trempealeau, Wis)
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Odell, L.L.
Odell, Mrs. L. L.
Olds, Mrs. L. W.            
Oliver, John
Oliver, Mrs. Emma
Oliver, Mrs. George
Back to top

Parker, Charlie S.
Parker, Fanny
Parker, H. S.
Parker, Julia M.
Parker, Mrs. M. B.
Parker, Mrs. W. H.
Parker, Wm. H.
Perring, Mrs. M. E.
Perry, Kathryn
Pickering, Alva A.
Pickering, Miss Janie
Pickering, Mrs. Lucy
Porter, Mrs. D.
Pryse, Mary
Purple, Cullen D.
Purple, Ellis
Purple, Ruby  Cleora
Purple, Thalia E.
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Quarberg, Mr. A. J.
Quarberg, Mrs. A. J.
Quinn, Minnie        
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Rhodes, Dr. Edson
Ringlee, Clara (of Ettrick, Wisconsin)
Robertson, Mrs. Ralph Holton
Robertson, Ralph Holton
Rogers, Mrs. J. M.
Rogers, Rev. J. M.
Roichle, J. G. (of Burlington, Ia.)

Russell, Laura Burr
Ryder Mrs. Robert                             

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Sagen, Mr. Alfred N.                 
Sagen, Tim
Salsman, J. A.
Salsman, Mrs. J. A.
Samson, Mr. James
Samson, Mrs. Geo.  (of Decora Prairie)
Samson, Mrs. James
Scarseth, A. J.
Scarseth, H. Louise
Scarseth, Julia
Sheldon, Carrie Beck (of Northfield, Minn.)         
Shonat, Catharine A. (of Decora Prairie)
Shonat, Mrs. W. R.
Shonat, W. R.
Shorrocks, Cora
Shortall, Miss M. G. (of Winona)
Siewert, Mrs. Lucy
Simpson, Mrs. Jas.
Smith, A. A. (of Oakland, Cal.)
Smith, Dr. C. C. (of Winslow, Ill.)
Smith, Emily Louise
Smith, Ida S.
Smith, J. Irwin (of Toledo, Iowa)
Smith, Lillian L. (of Toledo, Iowa)
Smith, Mrs. C. C. (of Winslow, Ill.)
Smith, Mrs. Geo. W.
Smith, Mrs. Phebe K.
Smith, R. A.
Smith, Roy
Stange, Adella
Stange, Emily M. (of Merrill, Wis.)
Stark, Miss Edity
Strong, Caroline
Strong, Mrs. Chas.
Suttie, Mrs. Willard
Suttie, Willard
Swartling, Oscar
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Terpening, Mrs. Julia
Thodes, Mrs. Edson
Thomas, Mrs. E. M.
Thompson, Allen B.
Thompson, Mabel A.
Thompson, Merton
Thompson, Miss Leila A.
Thompson, Mrs. A. D.
Thompson, Perry W.
Thrall, Miss Verna
Tibbitts, Margaret
Todd, Bessie Ewing
Tower, Addie S.
Tower, Mrs. G. M.
Tower, Mrs. W. A.
Tower, W. A.
Trestrail, W. C.
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Uhl, Mrs. Christina
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Van Slyke, C. S.
Van Slyke, Mrs. C. S.
Veitch, Lawrence T.
Veitch, Leora May
Veitch, Mrs. W. P.
Veitch, Vera Vesta
Veitch, W.P.
Vickere, A. H. (of Decora Prairie)
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Wadleigh, Gerald E.
Wadleigh, Majorie Rose
Wadleigh, Mrs. W. S.
Wadleigh, W. S.
Waller, Grace (of Chippewa Falls, Wis.)
Waller, Mrs. Thos M.
Wheeler, Albert
Wheeler, Mary J.
Whiting, Louis E.
Whiting, Mrs. Alzina  (of DeSmet, S. D.)
Whiting, Mrs. L. E.
Whitney, Electa     
Whitney, Ida
Wilberton, Dr. L. G. (of Winona, Minn.)
Wilberton, Sarah (of Winona, Minn)
Wilcox, Mrs. Angie (of Waupun, Wis.)

Willey, Elva M.
Willey, Mrs. Ella L.
Willey, Mrs. Sarah E.
Wortman, Douglas
Wright, Miss Grace  (of Janesville)
Wyman, Mrs. Esther       
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Yeoman, Mrs. H.
Young, Mrs. W.

Young, Will A.
Young, Will Albert
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Ziegler, Anna E. (of Shelby, Wis)
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