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Databases:  GovernmentCivil Court Case Index (1871 - 1917)Plaintiffs
Surnames beginning with "O"

Compiled and donated by Curt Torgerson

If you find a name that you are interested in, see the info at the bottom of this page on how to obtain more information on that particular case.

The following data has been sorted by the plaintiff's surname (p) and includes the defendant's name (d), the year the case was made, along with the case number.
  • O BRIAN (p) vs MOEN J C (d) in 1890, Case # 0695
  • O'BRIEN Jeremiah desceased estate of (p) vs (no defendant listed) (d) in 1901, Case # 1398
  • ODELL R A adm of the David WADE estate (p) vs WADE Harriet et al (d) in 1884, Case # 1106
  • Ole J EGGUM receipt for Clerk Of Courts file (p) vs (no defendant listed) (d) in 1902, Case # 1221
  • OLSEN Sever & SMITH Theo & PAUL John (p) vs DAY Herman (d) in 1877, Case # 0125
  • OLSON Andrew (p) vs NICHOLS S J et al (d) in 1881, Case # 0965
  • OLSON Andrew A (p) vs JENNINGS George W (d) in 1911, Case # 1401
  • OLSON Arved (p) vs HAGESTAD David et al (d) in 1882, Case # 0353
  • OLSON Benjamin (p) vs OLSON Andrew (d) in 1907, Case # 1399
  • OLSON Charles (p) vs JOHNSON W A (d) in 1881, Case # 0486
  • OLSON E A (p) vs Holberg T T (d) in 1886, Case # 0356
  • OLSON E A (p) vs Reed Lewis O (d) in 1892, Case # 0807
  • OLSON Gilbert Ole (p) vs OLSON Anton et al (d) in 1906, Case # 1391
  • OLSON Gunda (p) vs OLSON George & Alfred (d) in 1898, Case # 1402
  • OLSON Hans E (p) vs OLSON Ragnhild OLSON et al her heirs (d) in 1905, Case # 1388
  • OLSON Laurence to change name to ELLIS O L (p) vs (no defendant listed) (d) in 1898, Case # 1400
  • OLSON Ole change name to SEMB Ole Olson (p) vs (no defendant listed) (d) in 1885, Case # 0913
  • OLSON Peter (p) vs MONSON Hans (d) in 1889, Case # 0708
  • OLSON Ragnald as admenistrix (p) vs Town of Burnside (d) in 1880, Case # 0978
  • OLSON Sarah (p) vs OLSON John (d) in 1894, Case # 0736
  • OLSON T M (p) vs HAUG Olef (d) in 1905, Case # 1392
  • OLSON Thomas insolvent (p) vs WILLIAMSON Hans (d) in 1887, Case # 0725
  • OLSZEWSKI John (p) vs OLSZEWSKI Bridgit (d) in 1907, Case # 1393
  • OLVINS Frederick (p) vs McDONAUGH Ed & Frank (d) in 1884, Case # 0651
  • OMLIE Tom O (p) vs NELSON Iver (d) in 1907, Case # 1389
  • ONSRUD Ole O (p) vs MARSH James & GIBSON Thomas (d) in 1885, Case # 0648
  • ORVALD Erick (p) vs ORVALD May (d) in 1881, Case # 0727
  • OSTERHAUS Jens (p) vs MARTRIEDE Ole (d) in 1895, Case # 0705
  • OTIS Ira C (p) vs OTIS Lydia (d) in 1887, Case # 0726
The above index was compiled from information located at the address below.  Please contact the ARC for more information at the link provided here, or contact them at the following address and phone number:

Area Research Center
Murphy Library Resource Center
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
La Crosse, WI 5460l
Telephone (608) 785-8511