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Databases:  MilitaryPersian Gulf War Memorial Plaque from the Wisconsin War Memorial in Arcadia

* Donated by Merideth Morgan

PERSIAN GULF WAR - 1990 - 1991

The Persian Gulf War was a war to thwart naked aggression driven by religious fervor and cruel leadership.  In 1990, Iraq, at the direction of its dictator, Saddam Huessein and without provocation, invaded its neighbor Kuwait.  In less than four hours, Iraq suddenly controlled 24% of the world’s oil supply.  Its aggression not quenched, Iraq then set its sights on neighboring Saudi Arabia.  After a call for her protection from Saudi Arabia, the United States responded by sending troops to defend Saudi Arabia from invasion under the code name “Operation Desert Shield”.  After a massive build-up of troops in the region, “Operation Desert Shield” gave way to “Operation Desert Storm” the code name for an all-out attack on the aggressor Iraq, to free Kuwait.  Innovative leadership and superior technology enabled the United States and its allies to win a quick and decisive victory.


"Operation Desert Storm" was one of the United States most successful demonstrations of world leadership.  This monument is dedicated to the ideals of the "Duty, Honor, and Country" during the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Colin Powell, and General H. Norman Schwarzkopf.  The female soldier depicts the first use of female soldiers in battle.

                                                         Given By Ashley Furniture
                                                             August 20, 2000

* Transcribed from the Memorial in Arcadia Wisconsin War Memorial Persian Gulf War by Merideth Morgan 6-29-01 - Donated by Merideth & Harvey Morgan in memory of our family members.  We at Trempealeau Co. WIGenWeb are deeply saddened to report that Merideth passed away in 2007.