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Trempealeau County Historical Accounts:
"History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917": Chapter 15: BIOGRAPHY - A SURNAMES
++++++++++ Paul Ackley. Among the leading agriculturists of Pigeon Township is the subject of this sketch, who is proprietor of two good farms, aggregating 360 acres. Mr. Ackley was born in Gulsbrandalen, Norway, Feb. 4, 1860. His father, Franz Anderson Ackley, who was a farmer, died in Norway in 1890 at the age of 75 years. Mr. Ackley's mother, whose maiden name was Karen Harralsdatter, died in the same year as her husband, at the age of 75. Paul Ackley on attaining his majority in 1881 said farewell to his native land and took passage for the United States. Following the example of many of his countrymen who had preceded him, he decided to make his home in the great Northwest, and first located in Swift County, Minn., where for two years he worked out for others. Then going to Eau Claire County, he spent eight years there working in a sawmill and in the woods. The next two years of his life were spent in Tacoma, Wash., after which he returned to Wisconsin and resided in Eau Claire five years, being engaged in the saw mill business. In the fall of 1894 Mr. Ackley began agricultural operations in Pigeon township, buying the property now known as Ackley's farm, and which contains 160 acres, 120 of which are located in the northwest quarter of section 12, and 40 acres in the southeast quarter of section 11. Here Mr. Ackley took up his residence and cultivated the farm until 1910. He then purchased the Tuff farm of 200 acres, 160 acres lying in the southeast quarter of section 12 and the other 40 in the northeast quarter of section 11. On this latter farm he now makes his residence. The houses on both farms are substantial two-story buildings, neat-looking and commodious, and the farms are well improved, all the buildings being kept in good condition. Both are operated profitably by Mr. Ackley, who is an experienced agriculturist and whose energy and perseverance, combined with thrift and good business foresight, have placed him among the substantial and well-to-do citizens of Pigeon Township. He has been treasurer of the school board for 13 years and has always taken a keen interest in all projects for the good of the community in which he lives. Aside from his interest in the two farms mentioned, he is a stockholder in the Pigeon Grain & Stock Company and the Whitehall Hospital. Mr. Ackley was married April 17, 1891, to Maria Tuff, who was born at Haalen, Norway, July 1, 1861, her father being Ole Tuff and her mother, in maidenhood, Anna Stean Johnson. The father, who was born in Norway, came to America in October, 1861, settling in LaFayette County, Wisconsin, where, however, he lived but a short time, removing to Blair County, where also his residence was brief. Coming from Blair to Trempealeau County, he bought the farm known as the Tuff farm, now owned by Mr. Ackley, and resided on it until it was purchased by Mr. Ackley. Since then he has retired and resides in Blair. His wife Anna died in 1904 at the age of 70 years. Mr. and Mrs. Ackley are the parents of five children: Olaf F., who is a member of the Engineering Corps, now located at Fort Snelling, while Clara, Palmer, Melvin and Selmer reside at home. The family are members of the Norwegian Lutheran Church. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 447 - 448 +++++ George Amoth, proprietor of a well-improved farm of 135 acres in Ettrick Township, near the village of Ettrick, was born in a log house in this locality, May 29, 1873, son of Gilbert and Helen (Haldvorsdatter) Amoth. The parents were natives of Norway, in which country they were married, and a few years later, about 1867, came with their two eldest children to the United States. After a long voyage across the Atlantic in a sailing vessel they landed at an eastern port, and came directly to Ettrick Township, Trempealeau County, Wis., which locality they had been informed was favorable for settlement. Having little knowledge, however, of what he would have to do, Gilbert Amoth was practically unprovided with necessaries for making a start in the wilderness, and at first had scarcely anything but his bare hands with which to begin work. In spite of this handicap, he managed to erect a log house and as soon as possible procured an ox team, with which he began the work of pioneer farming. A number of years later, after he had made good progress in developing his farm, he increased its size by the purchase of 40 additional acres, and here he resided until he retired and moved to Ettrick about six years before his death, which occurred March 17, 1916. He was a member of the Lutheran church and a respected member of the community in which he had cast his lot. His wife died on the farm about 1908. They had a family numbering 11 children. George Amoth worked on the home farm until he had reached the age of 18 years, at which time he began working out on other farms, and also for a while hauled cream to the creamery at Ettrick. At the age of 26 he was married to Julia Johnson, daughter of Hans and Martha Johnson, of Ettrick. He then rented a farm in section 20, working it for three years, at the end of which time he bought his present farm near the village, where he raises various crops,a nd also more or less stock, including Shorthorn cattle, Poland-China hogs, a good grade of horses and full-blooded Black Monarch chickens. Since taking this place he has erected on it a good silo, machine shed and chicken coop. His barn is 100 by 28 feet in size. Mr. Amoth takes an interest in all local enterprises, giving active support to the creamery in particular. He has been successful as a farmer and he and his wife are prominent and esteemed residents of the community in which they live. They have two children: Hazel Marie and Guy Hubert. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", page 522 +++++ Charles J. Amundson is a proprietor of the Amundson Auto Company, of Osseo. This company has the Osseo agency for the Ford cars. The garage is a frame building, 30 by 50 feet, supplied with all kinds of Ford supplies and accessories. The place is excellently equipped for general repairing, an electric motor and a lathe being among the special features. Mr. Amundson was born in Jackson County, this state, Sept. 9, 1878, son of Thore and Mary (Johnson) Amundson, the former of whom died in Jackson County in 1888, and the latter of whom is now the wife of John Larson, of that county. Charles J. Amundson was the fourth of five children, the others being: Anna, now wife of John Olson, an undertaker of Marietta, Minn.; Theodore, who farms in Jackson County; Helen, who died at the age of 17 years, and Josephine, now of Eau Claire. The subject of this sketch was reared to farm pursuits in his native county. At the age of 15 he started work at the carpenter trade, and was employed in this line until 1912, when he established his present business. His fraternal relations are with the Modern Woodmen. Mr. Amundson was married, June 1, 1906, to Anna Christianson, of Hale Township, daughter of Charles and Helen (Johnson) Christianson. This union has been classed with one child: Hilman Charles, born Dec. 6, 1911. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 623 - 624 +++++ Christian Amundson was born in Norway May 25, 1862, and has lived in Hale Township since 1869, when he was brought here from Norway by his parents, Amund and Thea (Halvorson) Amundson. He was reared on the Lars Eide farm, and in 1889 purchased a farm of 160 acres located in sections 4, 8 and 9. Later he purchased 40 more, making 200 acres, to which he has since devoted his attention. His present home, a frame structure of ten rooms, with two stories and a basement, was erected in 1900, while in 1915 the barn was rebuilt, 50 by 60 feet, with cement floors, and a frame silo 26 by 44 feet. The herd on the farm consists of grade Holstein cattle. Mr. Amundson was married May 30, 1885, to Caroline Eide, who was born in Norway, April 28, 1866, daughter of John and Ellen (Gurilokken) Eide, and this union has been blessed with twelve children. Almer married Clara Fransen, a farmer of Hale Township. They have two children: Frederick and Luella. Thea married Ellert Kleven, a farmer of Unity Township; one child Evelyn was born. Louise married Ole Gullicksrud, a clerk in the store of Robbe & Myhre, at Strum; one child Leonard was born. Joseph married Myrtle Bradison and farms in Saskatchewan, Canada; they have one son. Clara died at the age of 12 years; Hannah, who was a teacher, is now Mrs. H. George Peterson of Wyoming; William, Tillie, Ludwig, Martin, Leona and Viola are at home. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", page 459 +++++ Andrew Anderson came to Trempealeau County in 1873, and lived in Hale Township until 1883, when he moved to Chimney Rock Township and purchased 170 acres in section 1, which in 1911 was purchased by his son, Morris. Andrew Anderson was born in Varmland, Sweden, May 20, 1841, and upon coming to America in 1866 located in La Crosse until settling in this county. He died Feb. 3, 1911. His wife Olivia Jacobson, whom he married in Chimney Rock Township, was born in Sweden, March 6, 1838, and died Dec. 3, 1911. In the family there were three children: Morris has been mentioned. Amanda is the wife of Ole Storberg, of Albion Township, this county. One is dead. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 723 - 724 +++++ Andrew W. Anderson resided on section 26, town of Lincoln, where he settled in 1870, when but little improvement land had been made there. Mr. Anderson was born in 1836. In 1848 his father, Gilbert Anderson, emigrated to the United States with his family, except the subject of this sketch, who came six years later. The family settled in the town of Blue Mound in Dane County, Wis. The family made their home there until the year 1870, when they came to Trempealeau County. Here the parents lived till death. In 1854 Mr. Andrew W. Anderson, who was the only one of the family who had remained in Norway, came to this country. He went to Dane County, where the family was living. There he remained until 1859. At this time the gold excitement at Pike's Peak was at its height, and Mr. Anderson with many others decided to go to that place. He numbered one of a party of five young men who started from Dane County, and all reached Denver in safety. He continued in Denver engaged in work till the spring of 1863, when in company of five, though not the company who had gone with him to Denver, started with team and wagon for Virginia City, Nevada, but on reaching that place decided to continue to San Francisco, which they reached in safety after a long and eventful journey. He stayed there until spring of 1864, and then he went to Boise City, Idaho, where he stayed a short time, when the excitement occurred regarding the Alder Creek Mines in Montana, when he left there and went to what is now Helena, Mont. There he remained until 1870, when he returned. Going from Helena to Fort Benton, he descended the Missouri River on a steamer to Sioux City, when he crossed the state of Iowa, and thus returned home. Soon after his return to Dane County he came here and brought his father's family with him. The subject of this sketch is the oldest son, and the oldest but one of his father's family. Mr. Anderson bought his farm of Elder Aldrich. He has 160 acres. He was married in 1870 to Julia Evenson, native of Norway. They have an adopted daughter, Clara Solberg. She is now Mrs. Gustav Thompson of Donaldson, Minn. She has two children: George T. and Marie A. One daughter, Lena Maria, born in 1871, died at age of ten months. Mr. Anderson is one of the representative men of his town. He has a pleasant home, etc. He has had much experience with the world. His trip to the Pacific coast in the early days, before the railroad had crossed the continent, was fraught with events and incidents of much interest. In his political affiliations Mr. Anderson, as is the entire family, is a Republican, and is a warm advocate of the principles of that party. Mr. Anderson is numbered among the progressive and public-spirited citizens of Trempealeau County. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 547 - 548 +++++ Bennett Anderson, deceased, one of the early settlers of Trempealeau County, was born in Valders, Norway. In 1868 he brought his family to Trempealeau County from Dane County and established himself as a farmer in Arcadia Township, being one of the earliest settlers in that neighborhood. He labored early and late and under these conditions prospered. He became one of the representative farmers of Trempealeau County, remaining on his farm until his death, Feb. 15, 1902. He was married to Ellen Everson, who still survives and resides on the old homestead in Arcadia Township. They had a family of nine children, as follows: Inger Maria, who became Mrs. H. O. Wold and mother of one child, Oscar B. Wold (she passed away in 1893); Gabriel, who died at the age of seven years; Ever B. and C. H., farmers in Lincoln Township; Sarah A., who died at the age of ten years; Gabriel, second, residing on the old homestead in Arcadia Township, who married Julia Nelson and has four children: Bennett O., Irene E., Carrie M. and Goodwin J.; Carrie, who died in 1914; Edward, a resident of the state of Washington, and Polly A., wife of Henry Amundson, who resides in Ostrander, Minn., and has three children: Sidney B., Cyril W. and Madeline M. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 548 - 549 +++++ Charles H. Anderson [index says Andreson], whose well cultivated farm of 230 acres is located in sections 26 and 35, Lincoln Township, was born in Dane County, Wisconsin, Dec. 15, 1865. He is a son of Bennett and Ellen (Everson) Anderson and is of Norwegian ancestry. His grandfather, Gilbert, married Inger Flategar. Gilbert had considerable property in Norway and during a famine gave it all away to feed the starving. His mother, aged 80 years, had a life interest in the old home, and this she sold to provide her son Gilbert and his family with funds to come to America. They reached Milwaukee with no money and this aged lady walked from Milwaukee to Dane County, Wisconsin, with the family and the ox team. Bennett Anderson, father of Charles H., was reared in Dane County and there married Ellen Everson. After living in Dane County until 1868 he homesteaded land in Arcadia Township, which was his home until his death. He and his wife had nine children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the third in order of birth. Charles H. Anderson lived on the old home in Arcadia Township till 1887. He then went to Yellowstone Valley in Montana, where he worked at railroad construction work for eight years. Then in the summer of 1896 he bought his present farm, which is a well improved piece of agricultural property. He raises Shorthorn cattle, keeping 50 head, and keeps 40 acres of land in clover and timothy. Mr. Anderson has served six years on the township board, during three years of which he has been chairman. He was married April 14, 1897, to Mrs. Marian Skaug (nee Wald), widow of Christopher Skaug, of Unity, Wis. They have had 11 children, of whom three -- Charles, Omer and Rudolph R. -- died in infancy. The living are: Blanche, Laura, Jane, Julia, Eleanor, Myrtle, Casper and Doris. Mr. Anderson is a member of the Synod Norwegian Lutheran Church. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", page 623 +++++ Cornell H. Anderson, a prominent insurance man of the State of Wisconsin, now living in Milwaukee, claims Trempealeau County as his place of nativity, his birth having taken place in Independence, Aug. 8, 1885. His parents, Henry and Cassandra (Everson) Anderson, took him to Superior, Wis., as a child, and there he passed through the graded and high schools. Entering the insurance business at the age of 17, he became clerk in the office of an agency at Superior, and there thoroughly learned the business. In 1910 he assumed the duties of his present position as special State agent, inspector and adjustor for the Home Fire Insurance Company of New York. With an office at Milwaukee, he covers the entire State. He is a "hustler," and is widely known for his business ability and his good fellowship. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 625 - 626 +++++ Ever B. Anderson, who is operating a good farm of 160 acres in Lincoln Township, was born in Dane County, Wisconsin, Oct. 30, 1863, son of Bennett and Ellen (Everson) Anderson, and grandson of Gilbert and Ingeborg (Fladegaard) Anderson. Like all boys of the early days he grew up on the parental farm and acquired his education at the district schoolhouse. Remaining at home until 24 years of age, he then engaged in farming for himself in Lincoln Township, near Independence, and there followed agricultural operations until 1904. Selling his farm that year he moved to his present one, which he still operates. This farm was owned and operated for many years by A. W. Anderson (an uncle of Ever B.), or until his death, Sept. 10, 1902. Mr. Anderson's farm is well improved and bespeaks thrift and good judgment of its owner. His stock is of the Durham grade breed, numbering about 35 head. Mr. Anderson is a man of good judgment and ability and the family are highly respected in the county. Mr. Anderson was married Dec. 15, 1890, to Carrie Evenson, then of Arcadia Township. She was born in Dane County, Wisconsin, July 5, 1866, daughter of Peter and Maria Evenson, early settlers of Trempealeau County. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have seven children: Ellen M., born Oct. 22, 1891, is now Mrs. George A. Anderson. She and her husband reside on a farm in Long Lake Township, Washburn County, Wis. They have on child, Hans A. Palma B., born Dec. 2, 1893; Geralt A., born Oct. 2, 1896; Ina E., born Oct 28, 1898; Clark E., born May 6, 1901; Robert W., born March 13, 1903, and Ruth L., born May 2, 1908, are all residing at home. The family are members of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", page 548 +++++ Gilbert Anderson and his good wife, Ingeborg Fladegaard, natives of Norway, were among the early people of that hardy race who have done so much to better the agricultural conditions of America, coming to the American land at a very early date. On reaching this country they found their means exhausted when they had got as far west as Milwaukee, but undaunted they set out with an ox team, proceeding to Dane County, where they settled. The elder members of the family, including Gilbert's aged mother, about 80 years, had walked the entire distance. They were ambitious God-fearing people, being representative and prosperous. Both are now deceased. They were the parents of Ever B. and Charles H. Anderson, who are representative farmers of Lincoln Township, this county. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", page 549 +++++ Henry Anderson was born in Trondhjem, Norway, and as a young man came to America. He married Cassandra Everson, a native of Harrisburg, Pa., and together they came to Trempealeau County. For a time they lived on a farm near Independence. In the late '80s they moved to Superior, Wis., where Henry Anderson was employed as a structural iron worker. While engaged in this occupation in November, 1891, he was severely injured, from the effects of which he died on the 27th of the following month. His wife still lives in Superior. In the family there were six children: Ida, Alice, Sebert J., Clarence, Oscar and Cornell H. Ida married Carl Sorem, an electrical engineer of Minneapolis. Alice is a teacher in the eighth grade of the Superior public schools. Sebert J. is a violin player, and makes his home in Chicago. Clarence is the chief clerk of the Minneapolis Board of Education. Cornell H., twin of Clarence, is State insurance inspector and adjustor for the Home Fire Insurance Company of New York and is located at Milwaukee. Oscar was killed while deer hunting near Superior, Nov. 27, 1904. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", page 625 +++++ Morris Anderson is a native of Hale Township, this county, and was brought to his present farm by his parents in 1883. He now owns 170 acres in section 1, Chimney Rock Township, and carries on general farming, making a specialty of Durham cattle, Poland-China swine and Rhode Island Red chickens. Mr. Anderson was born July 16, 1877, and with the exception of six years spent as a traveling salesman he has devoted his life to farming. He was married in Minneapolis, Dec. 31, 1913, to Cornelia Carlson, of Chimney Rock Township, daughter of Carl and Anna (Hendrickson) Carlson, and they have one son, Eldridge Meachin, born July 2, 1905. The family faith is that of the United Norwegian Lutheran church. Mrs. Anderson's parents came to America from Varmland, Sweden, in 1887, settling in Chimney Rock Township. Her father died in 1897, and her mother is still living on the old homestead. Five children were born to them: Charles, Emma, Beda, Cornelia and Julia, all living. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", page 723 +++++ Ole J. Anderson, proprietor of the Nordingen farm of 240 acres in section 15, town 23, range 7, Hale Township, was born in Biri, Norway, Oct. 9, 1862, son of John and Pernella (Kalverud) Anderson, who came to America in 1885, the former now making his home with his children, and the latter of whom died in 1911. Ole J. Anderson came to America in 1882 and started work on his present farm for Ole Faring, who then owned the place, and who had assisted in paying his passage. In 1896 Mr. Anderson bought 80 acres of his present farm. In 1903 he bought the portion of which his home is located. Here he carries on general farming, and raises a good grade of Holstein cattle and Poland-China swine. Taking, as he does, an interest in public affairs, he has served as treasurer of the school board for the past twelve years. The family faith is that of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Mr. Anderson was married Dec. 27, 1890, to Anna Hanvold, born in Coon Valley, Vernon County, Wis., Oct. 17, 1872, daughter of Andrew and Aganetta Hanvold. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have two children: Adolph, who is at home; and Palma, who was graduated from the Red Wing Seminary, Red Wing, Minn., Class of 1917. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", page 454 +++++ Weib Andriesen, who is carrying on general farming and stock raising on 106 acres of land in section 30, Gale Township, was born in Holland, Jan. 30, 1864, son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Van Buren) Andriesen. His parents were both natives of Holland, the father being a farmer. Neither came to America, but both remained and died in their native land. Weib Andriesen acquired his education in Holland and began working on farms at the age of 9 years, also helping his father. For 17 months he served in the standing army of Holland, stationed at Denhaag. After he was 22 he continued work as a farm hand, but kept and saved his earnings except what he used for living expenses. It was in 1903 that he came to the United States, locating at once in Trempealeau County, where he had a brother already settled. After arriving here he rented a farm for three years in Gale Township, subsequently renting another farm for two years. Then going to Montana, he bought 120 acres of land, resided there one year and then sold out, returning to Trempealeau County. Here he purchased his present farm of 106 acres in section 30, Gale Township, and has made practically all the improvements on it, having built a modern house, with a good barn, silo and other necessary buildings. He is engaged in dairy farming, favoring the Durham breed of cattle, his stock of which he is gradually increasing. He is also a stockholder in the La Crosse Packing Company. In addition to the farm he is working he owns another, of 130 acres, near Galesville, on which his son-in-law resides. He now owns from 40 to 50 head of cattle, with horses enough to work his farm, and all necessary implements. Although not yet a naturalized citizen of the United States, he has taken the preliminary steps to become one and expects to enter into the full rights of a citizen in the near future. Mr. Andriesen was married in May, 1887, to Johannah Fan-Wal, who was born in Holland, daughter of Henry and Katy (Rondaan) Fan-Wal. Her mother died in Holland and the father came to America with his daughter and her husband, Mr. Andriesen, in 1903, and died subsequently in Onalaska, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Andriesen are the parents of eight children: Elizabeth, unmarried; Katie, married William Boersma, they live in La Crosse, Wis., and have two children, William and Annadean; Annie, wife of Albert Sandbergen, residing on Mr. Andriesen's farm of 130 acres, above mentioned, they have one child, Johannah; Nellie, unmarried and residing at home, and Ella, Hessie, Johnnie and Johannah, all living at home. Mr. Andriesen and wife are members of the Presbyterian church. They are industrious and thrifty people who have already reached a prosperous condition in life and whose prospects are bright for the future. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 351 - 352 +++++ Alexander A. Arnold was born in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1833, son of Archibald H. R. and Catherine M. E. Schultz. After mastering his primary studies he was sent to Starkey Academy and later to an institution known as the Nine Brothers Boarding School. This was supplemented with a business course at a college in Poughkeepsie. Thus equipped he started out as a teacher, but this profession did not appeal to him and he entered the Ohio Law School at Poland, from which he graduated in 1855. Fresh from college he added to his knowledge of the law and acquainted himself with actual practice in the office of Hon. Theodore Miller, then a prominent lawyer of Hudson, N. Y. Six months later he was admitted to practice before the supreme courts of that state and Ohio. The tide was flowing westward and the young man saw his future in that direction. Early in 1857 he set out for Wisconsin, and having relatives at Elkhorn that was his first place of residence. Elkhorn also was the scene of his first case as a trial lawyer. Having two cousins located at Galesville, Mr. Arnold decided to visit them before fixing a permanent location, and later in the year 1857 found him in the settlement, which was then in its third year and was known as Galesville. There was little demand for a lawyer, but there were thousands of acres of land to be entered and new settlers were arriving. The prospects looked good to the young lawyer and he cast his lot with Galesville, which was destined to be his home to the end of his days. There were few frame buildings at this time, and one of these (still a part of the W. A. Tower house) had just been completed by a Captain Finch. This building was purchased by Mr. Arnold and his lawyer's sign was swung to the breeze. The building was small, but it provided ample room for his desk and a few books, besides space for the postoffice. The late Dr. William M. Young was postmaster. There was little mail, and as the doctor was a busy man in his practice the lawyer attended to the office most of the time. In 1859 Mr. Arnold returned to New York and married to Hattie E. Tripp, returning with his bride to Wisconsin soon after. The young wife died two years later, leaving a daughter Blanche. The child died at about three years of age. When the Civil War broke out, in 1861, Galesville, along with the rest of the country, caught the martial spirit. In August, 1862, the Thirtieth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry was organized and Mr. Arnold enlisted in Company C and was chosen captain. He was so commissioned by Governor Lewis. The service of this regiment the first year was largely in this state. The second year it was stationed on the Indian frontier in the Dakotas. Not until the third year was the regiment sent south, and then its operations were confined to Kentucky. At the close of the war Captain Arnold returned to Galesville. He did not resume his law practice, but turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. He had, on his first arrival here, purchased eighty acres of land. After the war he added 160 acres to this and continued to increase the tract to the 400 acres which make up the present Arnold properties. The Arnold place has for years been one of the finest farm homes in the state. Farming fifty years ago was carried on on a much smaller scale than at the present time, and Captain Arnold found ample time to assist in shaping the affairs of the community and to study politics. His college education had included a practical knowledge of surveying, and few of the original stakes set in this section of the county were not placed by him. He held the office of county surveyor many years. He was also one of the early district attorneys and was once county superintendent of schools. His first prominence in politics was gained in 1870, when he was elected to the state legislature. From 1878 to 1880 he served his district as state senator. In 1880 he was again sent to the assembly and was elected speaker of that body. As an advanced farmer and breeder of purebred stock Captain Arnold has been known throughout this and in other states for forty years. He was one of the organizers of the Trempealeau County Agricultural Society in 1859, and served as president and as secretary at different periods. He was a member of the executive board of the State Agricultural Society for a time, and during the long period was one of the state's farmers' institute conductors. He commenced the breeding of Shorthorn cattle when there was not a pure-bred animal in this part of the state outside of those on his farm. The breeding of this particular strain has gone on for more than forty years and is continued by his sons. Captain Arnold was made a Mason in Trempealeau Lodge fifty-seven years ago. When Decora Lodge was organized he was one of its charter members. He was a past master of the lodge and one of its faithful patrons to the end. He was president of the Trempealeau County Historical Society and vice-president of the Bank of Galesville at the time of his death. As one of the organizers of the Charles H. Ford Post, G. A. R., he was ever active in that body. Captain Arnold was again married Feb. 1, 1869, to Miss Mary Douglas of Melrose. The bride came from a family then prominent in Jackson County, and was the oldest of five children. She was educated in the district schools and at Galesville University, first attending when Bishop Fallows was president, and then taking another course of two years seven years later. For many years she was president of the Woman's Christian Temperance union, of which she is still a member. Seven children were born to Captain and Mrs. Arnold: Archibald H., Roy D., Kittie H., Mollie D., Gerald D., Alex. W. and Beulah. Archibald H. is a fruit grower, residing at College Place, Wash., three miles from Walla Walla. He married Fannie M. Parsons of Whitehall and has two children: Dewey and Douglas. Mollie D. is the wife of S. C. French, Gale Township, a farmer and stock grower. They have three children: Henry C., Miriam H. and Arnold S. Gerald D., county surveyor, a resident of Galesville, is engaged in farming and raising Shorthorn cattle. He married Jayne E. Burrows of New Richmond, Wis. They have two children: Wm. A. and John B. Alex. W., who resides on the home place, is conducting the home farm and is engaged in stock farming. He married Myrtle Smith of Tomah, Wis., Beulah is the wife of Gilford M. Wiley, principal of the high school at Greensburg, Ind. They have two children: Arnold R. and Mary Esther. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 290 - 292 +++++ The Augustine Brothers have made Whitehall known throughout the United States with their ferret breeding establishments. They raise thousands of the little animals yearly, and sell them extensively for use in eliminating rats, and for hunting rabbits, mink, muskrats, gophers, squirrels, prairie dogs and skunk. In addition to shipping the ferrets far and wide, they issue a pamphlet which contains a valuable treatise on the care and use of the animal. The ferrets from the Augustine Brothers' place are unusually strong and hardy, with sound eyes and feet, and with thick fur. They are of three sizes, large, medium and small, and they are of two colors, the white, which are called English, and the brown, which are called Fitch. All the yearlings have been handled until they are tame and gentle, while the younger ones good for hunting rabbits have not been trained so much. The young men have been in business for a number of years; they are thorough masters of their line of industry, and they have testimonials from all over the country testifying as to the excellence of their animals, and the honesty and courtesy of their dealings. The firm consists of Frank and Clarence Augustine. They first started raising ferrets in 1902 and have gradually increased their business until they now carry at one time an average of 1,000 or 1,500 animals. They ship about 1,500 each year. They are also constantly importing animals from other reputable dealers in order to avoid inbreeding. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 451 - 452 +++++ Joseph Augustine, a veteran of the Civil War, and for many years an honored resident of Lincoln Township, was born in West Virginia, Aug. 7, 1841, son of Jacob F. R. and Justina (Null) Augustine. He was reared in Pennsylvania, and in 1862 tendered his services to the Union government as a carpenter. He served through the great conflict as a bridge builder in the armies of General Sherman and General Thomas. At the close of the hostilities he came to Wisconsin in 1865, and for several years divided his time between Eau Claire, where he was employed as a carpenter, and the pine forests of the state, where he was employed as a cook. In 1874 he came to Whitehall, where he followed his trade as carpenter until 1885, when he purchased a farm in Lincoln Township, town 22, range 28, and moved thereon. When he purchased the tract it was covered with timber. He cleared the land, erected buildings, added to his original purchase, and gradually developed his place until he had a splendid estate of 200 acres located in sections 14, 23 and 24, to which he gave the name of Sunny Hill farm. The home, a frame structure of two stories and a basement, with ten good-sized rooms, was erected in 1898. The barn, a frame structure, 40 by 70 feet, was erected in 1906. A silo, 16 by 40 feet, of cement blocks, was constructed in 1908. One of the features of the place is a valuable orchard of two and a half acres. General farming is conducted on a generous scale, and a specialty is made of fine herd of grade Holstein cattle. Another interesting feature is the production of honey, some thirty colonies of the finest Italian bees being maintained. The sons, Frank and Clarence, under the name of the Augustine Brothers, have made the place widely known through the breeding of ferrets. Mr. Augustine was married in 1868 to Maria Borea, who was born in 1843. She died in 1870, leaving one child, Fannie, who married D. O. Sweet, a farmer of Whitehall, and died in 1902. March 14, 1874, Mr. Augustine married Francis E. (Mason) Staples. She was born in Litchfield, Conn., March 9, 1846, daughter of Charles S. and Rosetta T. Bissell, natives of Connecticut, and this union was blessed with seven children: Jessie, who died at the age of two years; Ray, who died at the age of one year; Ernest, who died at the age of two years; Bessie, a stenographer at St. Paul; Frank and Clarence, who are at home and Charles, who died at the age of nine years. By her marriage to W. S. Staples of Kilbourn City, a veteran of Company K, 42nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Mrs. Augustine has three children: Fred M., a hardware merchant of Little Rock, Kan.; Clifford D., a commercial man of St. Paul, and Marcia, who is a clerk in the pension office at Washington, D. C. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 452 - 453 +++++ Albert K. Axness came to his present farm in 1872 with his mother and step-father, and has thus been a resident of this county for forty-five years. He was born in Norway, near Christiania, July 29, 1861, son of Knute and Carrie (Tostenson) Axness. The father died in Norway in 1863, and subsequently four of the sons, Tosten, born in 1844; Julius, born in 1847; Knute, born in 1851, and Ole, born in 1855, came to America in 1867, three locating near Winona, Minn., and one near Madison, Wis. In 1868 the mother, accompanied by the son, Albert K., and a daughter, Mary, born in 1858, came to this country and joined her sons near Winona. In 1870 the mother married Ole Larson. Mr. Larson soon came to Trempealeau County and bought the homestead rights of Hans Talaken to a tract of wild land in section 6, Arcadia Township, within the limits of Newcomb Valley. On this place he built a small shanty, to which in 1872 he brought his wife, and his step children, Albert K and Mary. In the fall of that year they built a small frame house, which is now a comfortable eleven-room structure. Barns, sheds and the like have been erected as necessity has required. Albert K. was reared to farm pursuits and finished his education in the schoolhouse of the Penny district near his home. At the age of nineteen he started for himself by securing winter employment in the lumber woods of Clark and Jackson counties, still continuing to do farm work during the summer seasons. In 1898 he brought his bride to the home place and here has since continued to live. He carries on general farming and dairying, 90 acres of his 174 acres being under plow, and the rest being in woodland and pasture. His political affiliations are with the Republican party, and his fraternal relations are maintained with Arcadia Camp, No. 769, M. W. A., of which he has been a member for the past eighteen years. Mr. Axness was married Jan. 1, 1898, to Minnie Olson, daughter of John and Mary Olson of Homer Township, Winona County. She died Sept. 9, 1914, at the age of 37 years. Mr. and Mrs. Axness have had five children: Cora, who died in infancy; Carl, born in 1900; Ernest, born in 1902; Myrtle, born in 1907, and Orlon, born in 1909, all of whom are at home. The mother of Mr. Axness died in 1907 at the age of 84 years, the stepfather died in 1905. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917", pages 691-692 |