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Trempealeau County Historical Accounts:
"History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917": Chapter 15: BIOGRAPHY - J SURNAMES
+++++++++++++++++++++++ Amos Jacobsen, for nearly twenty years proprietor of the Coral City Flouring Mills, has been connected with the milling business since early boyhood, as were his father and grandfather before him. He was born in Schleswig, now a part of Germany, Nov. 23, 1849, son of Hans and Dorothy (Hansen) Jacobsen, the former of whom died in 1896 and the latter in 1900. He learned the milling business from his father, and worked for several years in the mills of his native country. In 1870, however, he determined to seek the broader opportunities of America, and accordingly came to this country and resumed his occupation as a miller, working first at Dexter, Mich., then in various places in Iowa and Wisconsin, and finally in St. Paul. Then he rented a mill at Lansing, Iowa, next he bought a mill near Desota, Wis., still later he built a mill at Washburn, N. D., and subsequently he rented a mill at Mishamwoka, near Durand, Wis. June 1, 1898, he secured the Coral City mill, in Pigeon Township, this county, built by Silas Wright in 1862, destroyed by flood in 1874 and rebuilt in 1876. This mill he remodelled and improved, and has since continued to operate it. It is a frame building, located on Pigeon Creek, nearly three miles- northeast of Whitehall. It is operated by waterpower, and is equipped with five double sets of rolls, and two sets of old French stone buhrs. The capacity is about 50 barrels, and the product includes wheat flour and rye, and all kinds of cereals and feeds, both merchant and custom work being done.Mr. Jacobsen was married at St. Paul Nov. 19, 1877, to Nancy Rapp, who was born in Jefferson County, New York, Aug. 11, 1849, and came to St. Paul with her mother. This union has been blessed with two sons, Fred P. and John A., both born in Lansing, Iowa, and both now employed in their father's mill. Fred P. was born July 26, 1879, was married April 21, 1909, to Edna V. Olson of Blair, born at Blair May 3, 1886, and has six children: Dorothy, Edith, Harold, John, Fred and Elenore. John A. was born Feb. 18, 1881, and was married Jan. 1, 1908, to Augusta Reinhard, born in Germany May 12, 1884. Mrs. Nancy (Rapp) Jacobsen died Dec. 28, 1910, and on May 2, 1914, Mr. Jacobsen married, secondly, Mrs. Letacia (Stevens) Wright. She has one daughter, Mary Stevens, now 15 years old. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 554 - 555 ++++++++++++ Henry A. Jacobson, successful merchant of Pigeon Falls, was born at North Branch, Hale Township, this county, Jan. 5, 1878, son of Hans and Olena (Saastad) Jacobson. Hans Jacobson was born in Norway in 1851, came to America in 1867 with his parents, lived two years in Minnesota, later settled at North Branch, in this county, and farmed there until 1898, when he moved to Whitehall, where he died in 1907, his good wife, who was born in 1852, still making her home in that village. Henry A. Jacobson, remained with his parents until 19 years of age, and then went to work as a farm hand. May 1, 1901, he secured employment at Pigeon Falls in the store of Torgerson & Steig. In 1905 this firm became Steig & Steig, and in 1906 Mr. Jacobson purchased a half interest and changed the firm name to Steig & Jacobson. The store and stock were destroyed by fire in 1912, and the present edifice was erected. It is a frame structure, 28 by 42 feet, two stories high and a basement, and is well equipped and stocked for the carrying on of a large mercantile business. Mr. Jacobson has been the sole owner since 1913, and has built up a constantly increasing business. He has the confidence and esteem of the village and country people, and his trade extends for miles around. Mr. Jacobson was married July 10, 1904, to Anna Wold, born June 22, 1885, daughter of Ever and Mary Wold, and this union has been blessed with four children. Hansel, Myrtle, Archie and Irene. The family faith is that of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 444 ++++++++++++ Roy E. James, secretary and manager of the Galesville Lumber Company, was born in Alexandria, S. D., March 4, 1883, son of C. P. and Ella (Stebbins) James. C. P. James, the father, was born in the State of New York and was a farmer the greater part of his life. In 1881 he went West to South Dakota, where he resided operating a farm until 1898. He then removed to Michigan, was there two years, and next moved to Monroe, Wis., where he stayed a year. From Monroe he went to Wausau, Wis., in which city he is now residing, operating a large plant for the manufacture of potash. His wife, a native of Pennsylvania, is also living. Roy E. James was the eldest son of his parents' four children. He acquired his education in the public schools in South Dakota, Michigan and Monroe, Wis., and in a business college at Wausau, Wis. At the age of 18 years he was employed as a stenographer in the office of a sawmill at Schofield, Wis., remaining there about five years, after which he was employed two and a half years in a lumber office at Dunbar, Wis. He then went to Wausau, Wis., and for a while was connected with a firm in the same line of business there, but subsequently became sales manager for a large sawmilling concern, with which he remained about 18 months. He next became connected with the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company, of Milwaukee, and has since remained with this concern, of which the Galesville Lumber Company is a branch. He was appointed to his present position as secretary and manager in October, 1912. He is a stockholder in the company and also owns property in Galesville. Aug. 21, 1907, Mr. James was united in marriage with Ida Berger, who was born near Sturgeon Bay, Door County, Wis., daughter of William and Emma (Howard) Berger. The father at different times followed the trades of house painter and cooper and was also engaged in farming. He is now practically retired and resides in Wausau, Wis., where he owns a large ginseng garden and truck farm. Mr. and Mrs. James have two children: Mary Elizabeth and Frank Berger. Mr. James is Master in the local Blue Lodge of Masons, a trustee of the Modern Woodmen of America. He attends the Presbyterian church, but is not a member. In politics he is independent. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 536 ++++++++++++ Henry A. Jegi, physician and prominent citizen, conducting an extensive practice at Galesville, was born in Arcadia, Wis., April 16, 1873, son of Simon and Agnes (Dascher) Jegi. As a boy he applied himself to his studies with great diligence, and at the age of 16 years became a teacher. From that time he was self-supporting, working his way by teaching and doing other work. For a time he attended the River Falls Normal School. In 1896 he was graduated from the medical department of the University of Illinois. For one year he perfected his knowledge by practice with leading physicians in Winona, Arcadia and Fountain City, after which, in 1897, he located in Galesville, where he has since continued in practice. His standing in his profession is shown by the fact that he is local surgeon for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, but subject to calls outside of his immediate vicinity, also a member of the American Medical Association, the Wisconsin State Medical Society and the Seventh Congressional District Medical Society, as well as of the State Medical Council. He was the first secretary of the Trempealeau, Jackson and Buffalo Counties Medical Society. For many years he has done excellent work for local sanitation as a member of the Board of Health. A man of thorough education and wide reading himself, he has taken a deep interest in the training of the younger generation, and is doing active service on the Trempealeau County Board of Education, of which he was the first president. For fifteen years he has been president of the local Board of Education. In the Masonic order he is affiliated with the Blue Lodge and the Chapter; he is a member of the Beavers and the Modern Woodmen, and examining physician of the Foresters and Mystic Workers. His financial holdings include business and residence property in Galesville, and stock in the Bank of Galesville. Dr. Jegi was married Nov. 23, 1898, to Alice Brown, born in Canada, daughter of Mathews and Mary Brown, who came to the United States when their daughter was a mere child, and located near Rochester, Minn., where both died of typhoid fever in a single week. Dr. and Mrs. Jegi have two children: Henry A. and Charlotte Mae. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 503 ++++++++++++ Simon Jegi, a pioneer, was born in Switzerland, in 1832, and was there reared. His father, a stone worker, was killed in the quarries when Simon was still a boy, and it became necessary for him to eke out the family income by herding cattle in the Alps and doing such other duties as fell to his lot. At the age of 20 years he came to America and secured employment as a farm hand in Sauk County, Wisconsin. By hard work and frugality he managed to save enough money to make the first payment on a farm. Accordingly he secured a place in Buffalo County. Shortly afterward he came over the line into Trempealeau County and purchased a farm near Arcadia. There he successfully conducted general farming for years. His latter days were spent in retirement in the village of Arcadia. His widow, who was born in Switzerland, and was brought to this country as a child of 12 years, still makes her home in Arcadia. Mr. and Mrs. Jegi were the parents of four children: John I., George F., Mary and Henry A. John I., now deceased, was a man of considerable distinction. He was reared on the farm, attended school in Arcadia, taught for a while, and received his B. A. and M. A. degrees from the University of Chicago. The remainder of his life was spent as professor of physiology and psychology in the Milwaukee Normal School. In this connection he was also a frequent lecturer in the Milwaukee Medical College. George F. was graduated from the Northwestern College at Naperville, 111., with the degree of B. A., but ill health forced his return to Trempealeau County, and he died near Galesville. Mary is the wife of Jacob Hotz, who farms on the old fair grounds at Arcadia. Henry A. is a prominent physician and practices at Galesville. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 502 - 503 ++++++++++++ Gust G. Johnson, a farmer operating 120 acres of land in section 25, Sumner Township, was born at Black Earth, Dane County, Wis., Dec. 15, 1861. He is a son of Gunerus C. Johnson, who was born at Soler, Norway, Oct. 5, 1833, and who, after coming to the United States, participated in the Civil War as a member of the Forty-ninth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He married Syverine Christianson, who was born in Hedemarken, Norway,in 1836, and who died May 12, 1893. His death occurred Nov. 6, 1898. Gunerus C. Johnson came to the United States in 1854, locating in Detroit, Mich. From there he subsequently removed to Iowa County, Wis., where he was married in 1855. In 1870 he and his family came to Trempealeau County, homesteading land in section 36, Sumner Township, where he and his wife spent the rest of their lives. They had a large family of 12 children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the third in order of birth. Gust G. Johnson resided on the home farm until his marriage, which united him, May 14, 1883, to Martha Erickson, who was born in Iowa County, Wis., July 2, 1867. Her parents were Peter and Christina (Olson) Erickson, the former being now a retired farmer residing in Osseo, whose eighty-second birthday occurred Jan. 31, 1917. Mrs. Johnson's mother, who was born in Norway, Sept. 22, 1839, died March 3, 1901. After his marriage Mr. Johnson rented a farm in section 25, Sumner Township, and cultivated it 12 years, removing to his present farm in the same section in 1895, having bought it in 1891. He has served as township treasurer since 1912, was township supervisor two years, and has been treasurer of the school district since it was organized in 1890. He is also a director of the Golden Valley Cheese Factory, the valley in which the factory is located having been named by him. He and his wife have been the parents of seven children: Swerin, who died at the age of 16 years in 1901; Adelia, residing at home; Philip, who is engaged in farming in Sumner Township, and Clifford, Dewey, Lawrence, Viola and Orlando. In addition to the business interests named above, with which Mr. Johnson is connected, he is also a stockholder in the State Bank of Osseo. Both as farmer and business man he has been successful, and is recognized as one of the reliable and substantial citizens of his township. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 607 - 608 ++++++++++++ John S. Johnson, who is engaged in operating a valuable farm of 120 acres in section 21, Gale Township, was born in Norway, Feb. 11, 1868, son of Simon and Agnet (Smenstuen) Johnson. The parents, both natives of Norway, emigrated to America in 1871, locating in Gale Township, this county, on a farm from which they subsequently moved to the one now owned by their son, John S., with whom the father now resides. He is now advanced in years and a widower, his wife having passed away on this farm in 1900. They had a family of nine children, of whom, however, the subject of this sketch is the only one now living. John S. Johnson has always resided on the old family homestead. For many years he was associated with his father in its operation and later became its owner. He carries on general farming successfully, his land being valuable and his buildings and equipment of good style and quality. He was educated in the school at South Beaver Creek and later in that of the Glasgow district. Gale Township, and has in these later years served one term as a director of the school board. Religiously he is affiliated with the Lutheran church and in politics is independent. As a farmer and loyal citizen he has established a good record and has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Johnson has never married. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 502 ++++++++++++ Louis Johnson was born in Norway, came to America in 1858, and took up his residence on a farm near Viroqua, in Vernon County, this state. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in the Sixteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and did good service for three years. After farming in Vernon County for some forty-seven years he retired and moved to Galesville, in this county, where he now makes his home. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 475 ++++++++++++ Martin Johnson, a retired farmer now living at Pigeon Falls, was for a number of years successfully engaged in agriculture in Pigeon Township. He was born in Sondreland, Norway, April 9, 1857, his parents being John Peterson and Mary Peterson, both natives of that country, who came to America in 1857, and shortly afterward settled in Preston Township, Trempealeau County. The name of Johnson has since been adopted as the family name by the surviving children. Martin Johnson was educated in the district school and resided on his parents' farm until 1880, assisting his father. He then moved to Pigeon Township, where he worked on a farm for several years, at the end of which period he purchased the farm of his wife's father in section 3, containing 80 acres. To this he subsequently added until he had a farm of 240 acres, well equipped with a good residence, barns and other buildings, on which he was profitably engaged in general farming until 1914, the year of his retirement. The farm is now being operated by his son-in-law, Jens K. Berge. Mr. Johnson was married in 1880 to Beatha T. Gunderson, who was born in Norway, daughter of Tostenand Bertha Gunderson, both of whom are now deceased. Of this union seven children were born: Bettilde Maria, Sept. 15, 1881; Johan Theodore, June 8, 1884; Olga T., Oct. 4, 1887; Clara H., Dec. 26, 1891; Clarence Helmer, June 22, 1895; Clara J., May 24, 1897, and Melvin B., Aug. 10, 1900. Bettilde Maria married Jens Berge, of Pigeon Falls, and they have three children: Ruth, Clarence and Laura. Johan Theodore died in 1886. Olga T. and Clara J. reside with their father at Pigeon Falls. Clara H. died Jan. 5, 1892, and Clarence Helmer July 8, 1896. Melvin B. is residing at home. Mrs. Martin Johnson, in addition to the three deceased children above mentioned, has also passed away, her death having occurred Nov. 15, 1912. The surviving members of the family belong to the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 358 ++++++++++++ Ole T. Johnson, who is engaged in operating a stock and dairy farm in section 10 E, Ettrick Township, was born in Telemarken, Norway, Dec. 1, 1854. His parents, Torger and Bergetal Johnson, were natives of the same province. In 1860 they set out for America, but on the voyage over the mother died and was buried at sea. The father with his motherless children on landing in this country came west as far as Dane County, Wisconsin, but resided there only a short time, removing to Coon Valley, Vernon County, and one season later to Trempealeau County. Here he homesteaded 140 acres in section 14, Ettrick Township, also buying an additional 50 acres. After making that farm his home for a number of years, he contracted a second marriage and moved to another farm in the neighborhood. This latter farm he later sold to his daughter, Rosa, with whom he resided also for a number of years, or practically until the end of his life. He died in January, 1898, while on a visit to his son Ole T. He was a quiet, industrious man, respected by his neighbors and confined his attention to his farm, taking no part in public affairs. By his first wife he had four children, Ole T. being the second born. Ole T. Johnson was six years old when he was deprived of a mother's care, and at the same time found himself in a new world and amid strange surroundings, but like most young children he soon began to feel at home and it was not long before he picked up an elementary knowledge of the English tongue. He attended the Hegg schoolhouse, and when a mere lad began to make himself useful on the farm, working for his father for a number of years. Before he was 18, however, he began working in the woods during the winter season and continued to do so for six or seven years. Then, thinking it time to start life on his own account, he purchased his present farm of 179 acres, consisting of well improved land, with good substantial buildings, on which he carries on general farming, making a specialty, however, of breeding Shorthorn cattle, and keeping from 30 to 35 on hand constantly. He is also engaged in dairying and is a stockholder in the Ettrick Creamery Company, the La Crosse Packing Company, the Farmers Exchange of Blair and the Ettrick Telephone Company. Mr. Johnson assumed the responsibilities of married life in his twenty-second year, on Sept. 1, 1876, when he was united to Catherine Knudtson, daughter of Uriason and Bretta (Severson) Knudtson. Both she and her parents were born in Hardanger, Norway, the father July 6, 1823, and the mother Dec. 13, 1830. The family came to the United States in 1869, locating on the farm on which Mr. Johnson now resides and where Mr. Knudtson Uved until his death, Feb. 15, 1901. His wife is still living and resides on the Johnson farm with her daughter and son-in-law. Mrs. Johnson was the second born of nine children. She only attended an English school for two weeks, being a pupil for that length of time at the Hegg school. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are the parents of two children: Theodore Irvin, born March 19, 1891, and Bertha Theolena, born June 4, 1895, who was married April 29, 1917, to Helmer Sexie. They reside with his father, Lars Sexie. The family are members of the United Lutheran Church. Mr. Johnson usually supports the Republican party, but is not active in politics. As an energetic, prosperous citizen he commands the respect of his neighbors. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 501 - 502 ++++++++++++ Oscar B. Johnson, of the firm of Hanson & Johnson, hardware and implement dealers of Blair, was born in Preston Township, this county, Jan. 1, 1880, son of Bent B. and Martha (Otterson) Johnson, the former of whom came from Norway and took a homestead in Preston Township in 1865. Oscar B. Johnson was reared to farm pursuits and remained on the home farm until 1904, when he went to Springfield township, in Jackson County, and there farmed until 1911. Then he returned to Blair, and purchased the blacksmith shop of Ole L. Olson. His connection with his present firm dates from Jan. 20, 1915. Mr. Johnson is well known in the community, and has served on the city council. The family faith is that of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church. Mr. Johnson was married May 14, 1903, to Christina Nordness of Lincoln Township, this county, daughter of Ole and Bagnild Nordness. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have two children: Bernice and Raymond. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 341 ++++++++++++ Peter H. Johnson, president of the board of directors of the Central Trading Association, conducting the "Model" department store at Whitehall, is a man of wide interests and varied experiences. Aside from his position with the Trading Association, he is vice-president of the John O. Melby & Co. Bank, of Whitehall, and a stockholder in the State Bank of Galesville, the Farmers' and Merchants' State Bank, of Stanley, the Western Wisconsin Telephone Company, of Whitehall, and the Farmers' Co-Operative Elevator Company, of Whitehall. He was born in Biri, Norway, April 2, 1862, second of the seven children of Hans and Martha (Halvorsdatter) Johnson. Hans Johnson came to America in 1864, lived in La Crosse County, this State, a year, homesteaded in 1865 a farm in section 5, township 19, range 7, Ettrick, and there farmed until his death in 1896, his good wife dying in 1894. Peter H. Johnson attended the common schools and Gale College at Galesville, taught school for a while, and helped his parents with the work of the farm. In 1884 he became grain buyer and bookkeeper for Wilson Davis, the Galesville miller. Ten years later, in 1894, he and J. E. Wilberg, under the firm name of Johnson & Wilberg, opened a hardware store at Ettrick. While still a member of this firm, he was elected county clerk in the fall of 1896, and took office Jan. 1, 1897. He was re-elected, and served until Jan. 1, 1901. March 1, 1901, he was named as superintendent of the Trempealeau County Insane Asylum, at Whitehall, and served in this capacity for ten years. Then he was idle for a while, and then became manager of the Farmers' Elevator Company, at Whitehall, assuming the duties of his present position Sept. 25, 1913. Aside from his business interests, Mr. Johnson is notary public and justice of the peace, and has served as court commissioner since 1914. Mr. Johnson was married June 13, 1891, to Mary O. Heram, born in Norway, Feb. 16, 1862, daughter of Ole C. and Mary (Haakenson) Heram, who brought their family in 1869 to Trempealeau County, where the father still lives, the mother having died in 1914 at the age of 80 years. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have three children, Hughitt, Mae and Miles. Hughitt is a student in the Chicago Dental College. Mae is studying music in the music department of the Lawrence University at Appleton, Wis. Miles is doing well at his studies in the Whitehall High School. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 386 - 387 ++++++++++++ Peter Johnson, who is successfully farming 160 acres of land in section 15, Gale Township, his place being known as Rolling Prairie Farm, was born in Toten, Norway, April 3, 1880. His parents, Johanas and Josephena (Christensen) Johnson, natives of Norway, are both living, the father being a stone mason by occupation. Peter Johnson was the fourth born in a family of eight children. He began to work when he was 12 years old and remained in his native land until 1908, when he came to the United States, locating in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin. He was at this time ignorant of the English language, but applied himself to learn it as speedily as possible, and with good success. After arriving in the county he found employment with Mr. Hardie, with whom he remained about 18 months. Then, ambitious to be his own master, and have chances for advancement which he could never have working for others, he rented his present farm and began agriculture on his own account. Not long afterwards he purchased the farm, consisting of 160 acres, and is now engaged in operating it, doing general farming, including stock raising and dairying. He is gradually improving the place and is doing a profitable business. Mr. Johnson was married in Norway in 1899 to Hannah Evenson, who was born in Vordval, Norway, daughter of Even and Eliza Evenson. Her parents came to the United States many years ago, settling near Deer Park, St. Croix County, Wis., where they followed farming. Both are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have five children : John, Alfred, Ingvald, Paul and Hannah, all residing at home. With the thrift and energy characteristic of most Scandinavian people, Mr. Johnson has made good progress since coming to this country, and with good health and prolonged life he can hardly fail of further self-advancement. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 791 ++++++++++++ Sanford J. Johnson, who holds the responsible position of buttermaker with the Ettrick Creamery, was born three miles northeast of Ettrick Village, Aug. 27, 1881, son of John T. and Juha (Johnson) Johnson. His parents were natives of Norway, the father born in Ulwig and the mother in Hollingdahl, but their marriage took place in Trempealeau County. John T. Johnson came to the United States when 20 years old, at that time being unable to speak English. Settling in Trempealeau County, he bought land and engaged in farming, in which occupation he continued until his death in 1906, his farm being located in section 20, range 7. He served as township assessor for a number of terms and was agent for the Ettrick Scandinavian Mutual Fire Insurance Company from the time of its organization until his death, and also served on the school board, in these various positions proving himself a man of keen intelligence and sound business judgment. His wife survived him only about nine months. They had a large family numbering 12 children, of whom Sanford J. was the sixth in order of birth. Sanford J. Johnson was educated in the district school in Ettrick Township and afterwards took a course in the dairy department of the State Agricultural College at Madison. He resided at home until he was 20 years of age and then worked eight months in a creamery at Hegge, this township. At the end of that time he entered the employ of the Ettrick Creamery as buttermaker, and has since remained with the company in that capacity, having established a good and satisfactory record. In addition to this employment, he also operates an 80-acre farm near Ettrick and is a dealer in wagons, buggies," carriages and other vehicles. He is a stockholder in the Ettrick & Northern Railroad Company and in the Ettrick Lumber Company, organized in January, 1917. Dec. 19, 1906, Mr. Johnson was united in marriage with Clara M. Brorold, who was born in Ettrick Village, daughter of Erick and Anna (Olson) Brorold. Her parents were natives of Ulwick, Norway, Erick Brorold coming to the United States with his parents when a young man. They located about two miles northeast of Ettrick on a farm, where he resided until his marriage. He then entered the employ of the Iver Pederson Mercantile Company as clerk and continued with them for 22 years. Appointed postmaster, he served in that position 17 years until his death, which took place May 7, 1914. His reliable character and good citizenship was recognized by his election to several positions of responsibility and trust, and his record includes service as township treasurer, clerk and chairman of the township board, also a fifteen years' membership on the school board. He also held office in the United Norwegian Lutheran church as treasurer, trustee or otherwise for a number of years. His wife is still living and resides in Ettrick. They were the parents of three children, Clara M. being the second-born. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have one child, Lillian Genevieve, who is attending school. Mr. Johnson belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America and to the Beavers, of which latter order his wife is also a member. She is now postmistress of Ettrick, having been appointed under civil service rules. The family faith is that of the United Lutheran church, and in politics Mr. Johnson is a Republican. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 527 - 528 ++++++++++++ Thomas Johnson, who is numbered among the successful agriculturists of Pigeon Township, being proprietor of the Aga Farm of 120 acres in section 27, was born in Telemarken, Norway, Jan. 25, 1867, son of John and Berget (Thompson) Halvorson, the latter dying at his birth. The father, born in Norway in 1825, died in that country in 1889. Thomas Johnson, who was the youngest of nine children, resided in his native land until 1885, and then, following the example of so many of his countrymen, in the hope of bettering his condition, emigrated to the United States, locating in Whitehall, Trempealeau County, Wis. Here he soon found employment and worked out for some five years, or until his marriage, Dec. 11, 1900, to Malinda Aga, who was born Jan. 10, 1864, daughter of Die Anderson Aga and his wife, Brita Aga. Mr. Johnson then began farming on his present place, which was previously the property of his wife's father, and has since remained here. The residence on the farm is a good frame building. His barn, erected in 1909, is 32 by 66 by 22 feet in dimensions, and the other buildings are neat and substantial and kept in good condition. Mr. Johnson keeps 30 head of cattle, of which he milks 21, and is a stockholder in the Pigeon Grain and Stock Company. For three years he has served as treasurer of the school board of his district and is a man of influence and standing in the community. His wife, who was born Jan. 10, 1864, died March 1, 1903, and Mr. Johnson's household is now presided over by his sister, Mrs. Egil Egilson. The latter has four children: Berget, who married Otto Berg, a farmer of Williston, N. D.; Annie, the wife of John Carlson, of Ulevass, Norway; Margaret, wife of Anton Ustad, of Stoughton, Wis., and Egil, who resides in Blair, this county. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 440 ++++++++++++ J. Reese Jones, attorney at Osseo, was born in Dodge County, this State, July 15, 1882, son of Jonah and Margaret (Williams) Jones. Jonah Jones was born in Wales, and came to America in 1843 with his parents, living in New York for a while, and subsequently locating in Wisconsin, where he farmed for the remainder of his life. He died in 1913 at the age of 76, and his wife is now living in Columbus, Wis. In the family there are six children: Mamye, wife of W. J. Roberts, of Columbus; Hannah, of Columbus; Kathryn, now Mrs. Richard Griffith, of Columbus; Marjorie, now Mrs. Griff. Jones, of Vallejo, Cal., where her husband is employed in the navy yards as a machinist; William O., a farmer of Columbus, and J. Reese. Evelyn died at the age of 2 years. The subject of this sketch was reared to farm pursuits and received his early education in the schools of his neighborhood. In 1907 he graduated from the Stevens Point Normal School, and then, after teaching school for a year, entered the College of Law of the University of Wisconsin, from which he was graduated in 1911. Immediately upon graduation, he opened an office in Friendship, in this State. In the fall of 1915 he came to Trempealeau County, bought out the practice of G. O. Linderman, at Osseo, and has since maintained his office here. He is one of the successful young lawyers of the county, and his friends predict for him a brilliant future. Mr. Jones is a stockholder in the Farmers' Exchange Bank, of Osseo. His fraternal affiliation is with the Masonic order. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 606 - 607 ++++++++++++ John W. Jones, an enterprising agriculturist of Gale Township, who is carrying on general farming and dairying in section 16, was born in Cadiz Township, Green County, Wis., Nov. 21, 1854. His father, Kinsey Jones, born in Coshocton County, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1827, was a farmer who located in Green County, Wis., where he followed his occupation for some years, or until September, 1855, when he came to Trempealeau County, taking a farm in Caledonia Township. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Shrake, and who was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, April 9, 1833, accompanied him, with their son John. After their arrival here a daughter was born to them, who was the first white girl born in the county. April 17, 1866, Kinsey Jones and family removed to what is now the Herman farm. Gale Township, which was his last place of residence, as he died there Dec. 22, 1881. He was a steady, reliable citizen, but took no active part in public affairs, devoting all his time and attention to his farm. His wife survived him about 25 years, dying at Oberon, N. D., Feb. 30, 1907. They were the parents of a large family numbering 14 children, of whom John W. was the second in order of birth. John W. Jones first attended school in Caledonia Township and afterwards in Crystal Valley, Gale Township. He resided with his parents until he was 21 years old, and worked for his father both during that period and afterward until he was 27. He then purchased 100 acres of land, forming a part of the farm on which he now lives. There were no improvements on it at the time, but since then he has increased its size to 240 acres and erected all necessary buildings, which are modern in construction and equipment. Besides raising the usual crops, he keeps cattle and hogs and is doing a good dairy business. Mr. Jones was married July 13, 1877, to Ida McClary, who was born at New Bedford, Hillsboro County, N. H., daughter of Daniel and Harriet (Wyman) McClary, her father being a native of the same place, and her mother of Grasmere, in the same county, born July 8, 1827. Daniel McClary, who was a farmer, came to Gale Township, this county, in 1856, with his family from Beloit, Wis., where he had resided about six months. He located on a farm near Galesville, and the bridge known as McClary bridge was named after him and his family. He and his wife had six children, of whom their daughter Ida (Mrs. Jones) was the second born. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the parents of six children: May, wife of William Kribs, a carpenter residing in Trempealeau; Effie, wife of Hiram Warner, a salesman of Coldwater, Mich.; Rosie, wife of Earl Hall a farmer living near Tunnel City, Wis.; Leonard, Grace and Dean, who are unmarried and living at home. Mr. Jones is independent in politics, but has not taken any active part in political matters, preferring to devote his attention to his farming interests. He and his family are widely known in this part of the county and have many friends. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 345 - 346 ++++++++++++ Milo Albert Jones, who is engaged in agricultural operations on a farm of 126 acres in sections 25 and 36, Gale Township, was born on this farm March 22, 1870, son of John H. Jones, who was a well known and respected farmer of this community, the father born Feb. 29, 1824, and the mother June 12, 1833. Milo Jones in his boyhood attended the Glasgow school in Gale Township. He has always resided on the homestead his parents settled on, and when 19 years of age became its manager, operating it as such until 1900, at which time he purchased the property. He carries on general farming and stock raising, keeping cattle, hogs and other stock. He is also financially interested in the Farmers' Exchange at Galesville. Mr. Jones is independent in politics, with Republican proclivities, and attends the Presbyterian church. He is unmarried. As a farmer he has been successful, and though not an office holder, he is recognized as a good, reliable citizen, interested in the welfare of the community in which he resides. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 530 |