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Trempealeau County Historical Accounts:
"History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917": Chapter 15: BIOGRAPHY - K SURNAMES
+++++++++++++++++++++++ Cyrus Kass, who operates a good farm in Section 27, Trempealeau Township, was born in Holland Township, La Crosse County, Wis., Feb. 4, 1864. His parents, William and Katie (Dextra) Kass, came to the United States from Holland in 1856, leaving Rotterdam May 27 and landing at New York July 25. From the latter city they came West by rail to Dunleith, Ill., and from there by boat to La Crosse. The parents were both natives of Holland, the father born in Friesland State—the home of the Holstein cattle—April 23, 1835, and the mother in the city of Leeuwarden, Friesland, July 28, 1832. They were married only about three weeks before sailing for America—on May 5, 1856. After reaching La Crosse County, Wis., they resided there near the village of Amsterdam, until 1868, and then came with wagon and team to Trempealeau County, William Kass buying 40 acres of land in Section 27, Trempealeau Township. The land was but slightly improved, but there was a small frame house on it, 14 by 20 feet in dimensions, and a one-story pole stable, with hay cover, which was, however, of little account. Lying immediately west of Mr. Kass' 40 acres was a tract of uncultivatable bluff land, and of this he homesteaded 120 acres to use as pasture land. A few years later he purchased another tract of 40 acres, some of which was cultivatable land, lying north of the original 40 acres, so that he now had a farm of 200 acres. For the first four years he used oxen on his farm, as, being more hardy than horses, they were better fitted for pioneer conditions. He and his wife endured many hardships, the usual lot of pioneers, but never allowed themselves to become discouraged or relax their efforts. While he was developing his farm Mr. Kass cut and hauled during the winters thousands of hoop-poles, which he sold in Winona for $8 to $10 a thousand, and in this way maintained his family. He also sold quite a number in Pickwick, Minn., having to start from home at 3 o'clock in the morning, and cross the Mississippi River on the ice with his ox team, returning late at night. In 1869 he built a log barn. For many years William Kass continued the improvement of his farm, he and his wife at the same time bringing up a family of six children, namely: John born July 30, 1857, who died on his parents' farm in February, 1889; Seba, born June 16, 1859, who is now living near Eau Claire, Wis., on a farm; Mary, born Nov. 21, 1862, who died on the farm in Trempealeau Township in February, 1889; Cyrus, born 1864; Theodore, born March 10, 1866, who died in Trempealeau Township in February, 1889; Katie, born September 28, 1868, who is now Mrs. Fred Weiss, of Rock Island, 111. John, Seba, Mary, Cyrus and Theodore were all born in Holland Township, La Crosse County, and Katie in Trempealeau Township. The deaths in the same month of John, Mary and Theodore were caused by an epidemic of measles, and were a heavy blow to the surviving members of the family. Katie, the daughter born in Trempealeau Township, was educated in District No. 3, at Gale University, and at the Winona Normal School, from which institution she was graduated, subsequently teaching school for years. The other children in the family attended only the district school. The mother, Mrs. Katie Kass, died on the homestead Jan. 14, 1911, and is buried at Evergreen Cemetery, at Centerville. Cyrus Kass was brought up on his parents' farm and has always remained there. He learned farming from his father and is now engaged in it on the old home place, his operations including dairying and the raising of orchard and small fruits. He has 11 head of cattle and five horses, his cows being graded. He has also a herd of 60 sheep, Shropshire and Oxford crossed, and a herd of hogs. The house on the farm is a story-and-a-half upright, with two wings, and containing nine rooms. His hay barn, 32 by 48 by 16 feet in dimensions, has a basement in which he keeps his sheep. His other barn, for horses and cattle, measures 28 by 48 by 24 feet. Mr. Kass was married Oct. 30, 1906, to Stella, daughter of Peter and Julia (Wojcie) Chowski, of Winona, Minn. Their children are: Mary, born Oct. 8, 1907; John Cyrus, born June 26, 1909; William Henry, born April 27, 1911, and Stanley Peter, born Nov. 18, 1913. Mr. Kass is a charter member of Galesville Lodge of Beavers, and he and his wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he is independent. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 304 - 305 ++++++++++++ Lincoln S. Keith, a well-known and respected citizen, residing on the outskirts of Galesville, where he is engaged in cattle and horse raising, and who has also been closely connected with the educational interests of the county, was born in Winslow, Me., Oct. 29, 1860, son of Richard H. and Jane D. (Hiscock) Keith. His parents were natives of the same place, the father born March 1, 1820, the mother March 8, 1826. The former, who was a carpenter by trade, in 1863 enlisted in the Third Maine Battery of Artillery and fought for the Union until the close of the Civil War. Although never wounded, he suffered from illness, which caused blindness of one eye. On being mustered out he returned to his native State, where he resided until 1891, when he and his wife went to the Pacific coast, locating at Puyallup, near Seattle, Wash., where they resided until Mr. Keith's death, Nov. 12, 1897. His wife died April 26, 1900. Lincoln S. Keith was the seventh-born in a family of nine children. In his youth he attended school in Waterville, Me., and in Fairfield, that State, becoming a proficient teacher. When 20 years old he came West, almost directly to Trempealeau County, and in the following year, 1882, became principal of the schools at Osseo, this county, beginning his duties in the spring and continuing them for the two following years. For one year subsequently he was school principal at Independence, later occupying the same position six years at Whitehall, six years at Galesville and one year at Blair. By this time he had become well known and had made so good a record that he was elected county superintendent of schools and held that office for six years and a half. In 1893 Mr. Keith purchased 90 acres of land just outside the city limits of Galesville, where he is now engaged in breeding thoroughbred Jersey cattle and high-grade coach horses. On account of an injury he is not able to do heavy farm work, but for some years has held the position of rural mail carrier. Aug. 16, 1887, Mr. Keith was united in marriage with Cora A. Cain, who was born in Clinton, Me., daughter of Moses R. and Ruth L. (Richardson) Cain, both natives of the same town, and the father a farmer by occupation. Her parents remained in the East and are now both deceased. Mrs. Keith, herself, has also passed away, her death occurring Jan. 21, 1916. She had been the mother of four children: Winifred Maud, Ruth Alice, Helen L. and Donald C. Winifred Maud, who was graduated from the University of Wisconsin, had charge of vocational training in the Normal School at Aberdeen, S. D., holding that position for two years. She is now instructor of methods at La Crosse Normal School. Ruth Alice, who was graduated from the Valparaiso University in music, and in science and letters from the Wisconsin University, and was formerly assistant supervisor in the city schools of Madison, and supervisor at DeForest, is now engaged during the summer months in Chatauqua circuit work for the University of Wisconsin, and is also superintendent of music in the La Crosse city schools. Helen M., who graduated from the Galesville High School, is now a student in the La Crosse Normal School. Donald C. is a student in the Galesville High School and resides at home. Mr. Keith is independent in politics, but has always taken an interest in good local government. His fraternal society affiliations are with the Beavers and the Modern Woodmen of America. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 515 - 516 ++++++++++++ Frank A. Kellman, who is conducting at Galesville one of the most complete hardware stores in Trempealeau County, and also carrying on a good business in plumbing, gas fitting and the installation of heating apparatus, was born at Barras, Sweden, April 24, 1869, son of John and Anna C. Kellman. His parents came to the United States with their family in the year of his birth, settling in Galesville, Wis., where they are still living, the father having been engaged in the jewelry business for many years. Frank A. attended school in Galesville when a boy. At the age of 17 he entered the hardware store of Aaron Oribbs, in this village, where he learned the tinner's trade and the hardware business in general, and continued with this employer for about eight years. He then engaged in the hardware business for himself, opening a store in the building now occupied by the Galesville postoffice. After remaining at that location for seven years, he moved to the corner on which the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank now stands. There he carried on business for ten years, by the end of which time his trade had so increased that he had to find more commodious quarters, and so moved into his present building. Here he occupies two floors, 40 by 60 feet, but owing to the continued growth of his business is so crowded that he has hardly any room for display. He carries a large stock of shelf and heavy hardware, occupying the space from floor to ceiling, and also has a number of outside warehouses. In his plumbing, gas fitting and heating department he employs several highly skilled workmen. Mr. Kellman has also been secretary of the Davis Mill Company since its organization, and is a director in the Bank of Galesville and in the Western Wisconsin Telephone Company. Mr. Kelhnan was married in October, 1892, to Lizzie Belle Thompson, who was born in Trempealeau County, Wis., daughter of William B. and Allie (Atwood) Thompson, who are both now deceased. Her father, who was born in the State of New York and was engaged in farming and stock raising most of his life, was also a stockholder in the Bank of Galesville. For many years he was a large land owner in the county and also had extensive property interests in Galesville, being one of the most prominent citizens of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Kellman have three children: Vilas A., who is associated with his father in business; Forest T. and Norris J., residing at home. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 512 - 513 ++++++++++++ J. Alfred Kellman, who for many years has been established in the jewelry business in Galesville, and is one of the leading citizens of the village, was born in Sweden, Oct. 16, 1865, son of John and Anna C. Kellman. The father was born in Sweden, April 24, 1831, and learned the jeweler's trade. Coming to the United States in 1869, he settled in Trempealeau County the same year, starting a jewelry store in Trempealeau, where he remained for four years. He then established himself in the same business in Galesville, of which place he has since been a resident. Although now advanced in years, he is still hale and hearty, as, also, is Mrs. Kellman, who has reached the advanced age of 83 years. They were the parents of four children: Charles A., John A., Frank A. and Solomon L. (deceased). J. Alfred Kellman was educated in the Galesville graded school and at Gale College. He learned the jewelry business from his father, with whom he has been associated since he was 15 years old, and who, it may be said, was the first jeweler in Galesville. For a place of the size of Galesville he has a remarkably well-stocked store and does a good business in watch cleaning and repairing. He has also been manager and treasurer of the Galesville Improvement Company since its organization in 1892. A Republican in politics, he has served on the village board for a number of years, has been town and village treasurer and is at present serving as assessor of Galesville. He owns both business and residence property in Galesville. Fraternally he is connected with the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Kellman was married in June, 1897, to Julia Ziegler, daughter of John and Barbara (Raichel) Ziegler, both she and her parents being natives of Germany. The Ziegler family came to the United States many years ago, locating immediately in Galesville, Wis., where Mr. Ziegler followed his trade of blacksmith and machinist. Some time after coming here he went to Pittsburgh, Pa., where he remained for a year, after which he returned to Galesville. About 1896 he retired and moved to La Crosse, where he and his wife subsequently died. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Kellman are the parents of two children: Arleen Thelma and John Morton, who reside with their parents. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 513 ++++++++++++ Albert C. Kiekhoefer, a well-known agriculturist of Arcadia Township, proprietor of a flourishing farm in section 24, is one of the estimable men of the county, who by diligently developing his farm is doing his full share toward the growth and progress of the community at large. Coming of a family widely known in agricultural, religious and educational circles, he has added substantially to the high regard in which the family name is held. His parents, William and Caroline (Tisch) Kiekhoefer, were born in Prussia, Germany, and were there married. In 1857 they bravely set out for the new world to establish their home among the broader opportunities of America. The voyage across the water aboard an old style sailing vessel occupied four months and entailed many hardships. But in time they set their feet on land, found their way to Milwaukee, and thence came to Trempealeau County, where they homesteaded 160 acres of wild land in Trout Run Valley. Here the son, Albert C, the subject of this sketch, was born Oct. 29, 1859. Beginning work with an ox team, after the fashion of the pioneers, William Kiekhoefer grubbed and cleared his land, which had a very rolling surface, and built a log house as his first dwelling, subsequently replacing it by a two-story frame residence. After continuing his work on the farm until 1879, he died, having previously willed it to his son Albert C. Albert C. Kiekhoefer, who had one brother and five sisters, remained at home with his mother, assisting the latter on the farm until it came into his own possession, at which time he was 30 years of age. He had in the meanwhile acquired some education in the common school of the district, although able to attend only occasionally. The frame house built by his father was a building 16 by 30 feet in dimensions, and he has since added a wing to it, making it into a good ten-room house. He has also erected a silo, 14 by 28 feet; a granary, 18 by 30; a machine shed, 30 by 50; a hog house, 26 by 50, and a corn crib. The barn built by his father was 32 by 90 feet. Mr. Kiekhoefer does general farming and breeds high grade Holstein cattle, having a herd of 35 head, as well as a herd of Hampshire hogs. His farm is well equipped with machinery and teams, and presents a thriving appearance, the land being well cultivated and the buildings kept in good shape. Mr. Kiekhoefer usually votes the Prohibition ticket, though reserving the right of independent action as he sees occasion. Since 1904 he had belonged to the Order of Beavers, and since 1891 to the Arcadia Lodge of Modern Woodmen of America. He is a stockholder in the Glencoe Co-operative Creamery, of which he is vice president. March 11, 1890, Mr. Kiekhoefer married Augusta, daughter of Robert Lull and Henrietta Sitzman of Germany, her parents being natives of Germany. The children of this marriage, 13 in number, are: Ralph, born Dec. 24, 1890, now a carpenter, residing at Arcadia; Leafe, born in 1892, who is a professional nurse; Floyd, born in 1893, who lives at home, assisting his father on the farm; Orpha, born in 1894, now a student in the Winona Normal School; Alta, born in 1896, who is residing at home; Beatrice, born in 1897, who is a public school teacher residing at home; Elsie, born in 1898, now a student in the Arcadia high school; Lillian, born in 1900, also a student in the high school; David, born in 1902, Frederick in 1903, Wilton in 1905, Doris in 1907 and Albert, Jr., in 1908, all living at home. Mr. Kiekhoefer was reared in the faith of the Evangelical church, to which he and all the members of his family belong. They are well known throughout this part of the county; the older children are successfully making their way in the world and the younger ones are showing that application to their studies that will enable them in time to uphold the credit of the family name. All have received a sound moral and Christian training. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 765 - 766 ++++++++++++ Eugene J. Kidder, who for a number of years has served as clerk of the Circuit Court for Trempealeau County, was born in Sauk County, Wisconsin, Feb. 13, 1859, son of Pomeroy and Lucy (Scott) Kidder. About 1862, when the subject of this sketch was a small boy, his father died, as the result of an accident while engaged in rafting lumber down the Trempealeau River, their home at that time was Sechlerville, Jackson County, Wis. In the spring of 1863 they moved to Trempealeau County, where they have since resided. The mother subsequently married Oscar F. Harlow, a wagon maker of Whitehall. By the first marriage there were three children: Ada A. Kidder (deceased), Eugene J. Kidder and W. S. Kidder (deceased), of whom the subject of this sketch was the second in order of birth. The only child of the second marriage was William E. Harlow, who is now engaged in the automobile business in Whitehall, Wis. Eugene J. Kidder while a young man learned the barber's trade, and subsequently went into business for himself in Whitehall, where he has owned and operated a shop for many years. In the fall of 1904 he was elected clerk of the Circuit Court for Trempealeau County, and has since served in that position by successive re-elections. He was formerly township treasurer for the Town of Lincoln one year, and served on the village council of Whitehall for a number of years. His knowledge of local affairs is extensive and he has always been found arrayed on the side of progress and efficiency. He is a charter member of Whitehall Lodge No. 271, F. & A. M., and served as m.aster of the lodge for two years, and is also a member of Whitehall Lodge No. 2549, M. W. of A. Mr. Kidder was married Feb. 4, 1884, to Christina Harris of Pigeon Township, a native of Perthshire, Scotland, and daughter of David and Mary Harris, who came to the United States from that country in 1877. Both her parents died in 1912 at Groton, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Kidder have three children: John L. Kidder, who now resides at Timber Valley, Wash., and who is now engaged in the lumber business, and Gladys and Mary, residing at home. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 549 - 550 ++++++++++++ Carl L. Kittleson, a business man of Galesville, was born in Ettrick Township, this county, April 6, 1880, son of Lars and Sena (Olson) Kittleson. Lars Kittleson was born in Perry Township, Bane County, this state, Aug. 23, 1859. He was brought to Ettrick Township, by his parents, as a lad of six years, was here reared, and finally inherited the home place, now owning 220 acres, on which he conducts general farming. Carl L. Kittleson remained at home until 17 years of age, and then found employment as a farm hand. Later he found work in a creamery. Wishing to further perfect himself in this line of industry he entered the Dairy School of the University of Wisconsin in November, 1902. With this preparation he was successively employed as cheese maker at Kewaunee, Wis., one season, and as butter maker at Ettrick, Wis.; helper, St. Paul, Minn., Salt Lake City, Utah, Osseo, Wis. In May, 1909, he purchased a restaurant at Osseo. Three years later, his lease having expired, he came to Galesville and purchased the Hauge & Ragness restaurant, which he has since conducted. In addition to operating the restaurant, which he had moved from the Grover block to the old Funston building, which he now owns, he conducts a soda fountain and ice cream parlor, manufacturing all his ice cream. His establishment is equipped with modern devices, and his fountain is of the latest design. Mr. Kittleson was married May 12, 1909, to Augusta Frase, daughter of William and Charlotte (Geske) Frase. William Frase was born in Posen, Germany, in 1855, came to America at the age of 17 years, located in Otter Creek Township, Eau Claire County, and there engaged in farming until his death, Oct. 28, 1904. He was an influential citizen and served on the school board for many years. His wife was born Sept. 22, 1858, and now lives in Augusta, Wis. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 343 - 344 ++++++++++++ Andrew J. Klundby, who is engaged in farming in section 26, Gale Township, was born in Biri, Norway, April 24, 1861, son of Jens and Martha (Nelson) Klundby, both parents being natives of the same place. They came to the United States at some time between 1886 and 1888, locating on a farm in Jackson County, Wisconsin, where Jens Klundby died about 1904 and his wife in 1914. They had a family of nine children, Andrew J. being the fourth born. Andrew J. Klundby acquired his education in his native land, where he resided until he was about 19 years of age. Then, in 1880, he came to this country, and from that time until his marriage in 1895, he made his home with John Johnson in Gale Township. Oct. 31, 1895, he married Bertha Johnson, who was born in Gale Township, daughter of Hans and Gulena Johnson, her parents being natives of Norway, who came to America in the early seventies. They located first on Half Way Creek, in this township, but afterwards moved to Hardie's Creek Valley, where Hans Johnson followed farming, and where he still resides, though now retired from active work. His wife died in the fall of 1916. They had a family of five children. At the time of his marriage Mr. Klundby moved onto a farm in Skunk Coolie, near the Grant school house, where he was engaged in agriculture for eight years. He then came to his present farm, which contains 80 acres of land in one piece, while he has 20 acres more across Black River in La Crosse County. His buildings are modern and substantial and his farm is equipped with all necessary machinery and implements. Mr. Klundby carries on general farming and dairying and devotes all his time to his business, having taken no part in local politics. He and his wife have had two children: Ella, who resides at home, and Nels, who died at the age of 12 years. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 791 - 792 ++++++++++++ Knut A. Knudtson, a retired farmer of Whitehall, and owner of the Overland Farm of 160 acres in section 28, and the Ada Stock Farm of 240 acres in sections 4 and 9, all in Pigeon Township, was born in Telemaarken, Norway, June 24, 1852, son of Andrew and Margaret (Halvorson) Knudtson, born in Norway in 1827 and 1832, respectively, who came to America in 1869, and located in Preston Township, this County, where they died, the father in 1909 and the mother in 1886. After coming to this country Knut A. worked about among the farmers of the neighborhood until 1874, when he bought the Overland Farm on Fly Creek. This farm he operated about 30 years. In 1903 he took up his residence in Whitehall. But he still longed for farm life, so in the fall of 1909 he purchased the Ada Stock Farm, on which he lived until 1912, when he again took up his home in Whitehall. For three years he served on the town board and for 15 years on the school board. He is a stockholder in the Whitehall Creamery, the Pigeon Grain and Stock Company, the People's State Bank and Whitehall Hospital. Mr. Knudtson was married Nov. 6, 1874, to Julia Knudtson, daughter of Aslak and Hannah (Hendrickson) Knudtson, of Pigeon Township. This union has been bless with 10 children: Amanda, Ida, Hannah, Ella, Tina, Clara and Grace, living, and Ada, Adolph and Clara deceased. Amanda is the wife of Ira Thompson, farmer of Preston Township. Ida married Patrick Murphy, a stonecutter of Waterbury, Vt. Hannah married E. E. Deppe, a real estate man of Duluth, Minn. Ella married Theo. Stendahl, a farmer of Pigeon Township. Tina married Luther Quackenbush, of Whitehall. Clara and Grace are at home. Ada died at the age of 2 years, Adolph at the age of 18 years, and Clara at the age of 11 years. The family faith is that of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 607 ++++++++++++ Andres Knutson, an early settler, was born in Halingdahl, Norway, and was there reared. As a young man he married Astri Johnson, and the two decided to cast their future lot in America. Accordingly in 1860 they came to this county, and located in Ettrick Township, a mile from the Present family home. He homesteaded a farm and successfully carried on general farming until his death June 7, 1891. His good wife survived him several years, passing away May 12, 1895. In the family there were seven children: Margit (deceased); Astri, the widow of K. K. Hagestad; Karine (deceased), Johanna (deceased), Knut of Ettrick Township, John A. of Ettrick, and Margit, now Mrs. S. S. Knutson of Ettrick Township. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 506 ++++++++++++ George W. Knutson. One of the best and most highly improved farms in Lincoln Township is that of George W. Knutson, in section 36, and which contains 232 acres of good fertile land. Mr. Knutson was born in West Salem, La Crosse County, Wis., May 20, 1873, son of Even Knutson and his wife, Mary Anderson Knutson. The father was a native of Norway, who came to America in 1870, locating at West Salem, where he farmed until 1903, subsequently removing to Holmen, La Crosse County, where he died in 1913 at the age of 68 years. His wife, now 73 years old, is now residing in Holmen. George W. Knutson remained on the home farm until reaching the age of 16 years. He then went to work on the farm of James McEldowney at West Salem and was employed there for 14 years, only taking on eweek off in all that time, which was when he visited the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893. At the end of that period he rented Mr. McEldowney's farm and operated it on his own account for 15 years with profitable results. Being now ready to purchase a farm of his own, he selected that which he now owns and operates, and has since resided here. The residence is a good frame structure of 10 rooms, with furnace heat, bath, electric light and other modern conveniences. Mr. Knutson owns his own electric light plant by which his other buildings are similarly illuminated. In 1915 he rebuilt his barn, which is now a substantial frame structure, with cement block basement and cement floor, in size 32 by 108 by 20 feet. It is provided with Louden stanchions and litter carrier. In the same year he built a cement block silo, 16 by 35 feet. Among his other buildigns are a good machine shed - a frame building 24 by 80 feet and an ice house and milk house combined, 15 by 24 by 12 feet. The farm includes an orchard of two acres. Mr. Knutson at this time keeps about 60 head of Holstein cattle, 20 being registered, and milks 30 cows. Of Duroc-Jersey hogs he feeds 200 a year. In his farming operations he follows the three years' rotation plan, planting corn and clover. As a farmer he has been highly successful, a result due to his thorough training in early life and his habits of industry and intelligent application to his self-appointed tasks. Mr. Knutson was married Nov. 1, 1900, to Mary Anderson of West Salem, who was born in Sweden. He and his wife have six children: Raymond, LaVerne, Margaret, Clarence, May and Glen. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 793 - 794 ++++++++++++ John A. Knutson, town chairman and a prosperous farmer in section 17, Ettrick Township, was born in this township Oct. 19, 1872, sixth child of Andres and Astri (Johnson) Knutson. He acquired his education in the district school of Ettrick Township, and resided at home until he was 21 years of age, assisting his father and acquiring a knowledge of agriculture. At the time of his marriage, June 23, 1894, to Anna M. Hagestad, he bought his present farm, which contains 158 acres of excellent land. On this property he has made practically all the improvements, and his farm is now equipped with substantial modern buildings. Mr. Knutson has other financial interests aside from his farm, being a stockholder in the Ettrick Creamery Company, the Ettrick Telephone Company, the Farmers Exchange at Blair and the Ettrick & Northern Railroad. His wife, Mrs. Anna M. (Hagestad) Knutson, was born in Ettrick Township, this county, daughter of Ole and Martha (Gunderson) Hagestad, who were natives of Norway. Her father died when she was a babe one year old. Mr. and Mrs. Knutson have been the parents of eight children: Margaret Amanda, wife of Alfred Ekern; Omar, deceased; Alma Ovidia, deceased; Newman Sylvester and Ernest William, residing at home; Grunild Irene, who is deceased; Orrin Alexander, residing at home, and Lillian Marie, deceased. Mr. Knutson is affiliated by membership with the Yeomen and the Modern Woodmen of America. In politics he is an independent Republican. He has served on the township board a number of years and is its present chairman, rendering efficient service and supporting all practical measures for the betterment of the community in which he lives. He and his family are members of the United Lutheran Church. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 506 - 507 ++++++++++++ Julius O. Knutson, a leading business man of Blair, was born on the homestead in Ettrick Township, this county, Sept. 2, 1878, son of Knut S. and Anna (Skaar) Knutson. In 1903 he became a member of the firm of K. S. Knutson & Sons, and on Jan. 1, 1909, he purchased the business and has since conducted it under his own name. He carries on a general hardware and implement business. The modern building which houses the establishment, is owned by his father, K. S. Knutson. It is a two-story structure with full basement, 60 by 60 feet, of brick veneer. It is equipped with an elevator and other conveniences. In the spring of 1917 Mr. Knutson erected a modern brick garage 33 by 70 feet adjoining the store building. This he conducts in connection with his other business. Handling a good line of automobiles and accessories, the garage is fully equipped, where auto repairing is done by expert mechanics. Mr. Knutson is a stockholder in the Home Bank of Blair, and in the Western Wisconsin Telephone Co. of Arcadia. With his brother, Edwin B., and his father, K. S., he owns a large farm in Imperial County, Cal. His public work has included service as village clerk for five years and school treasurer five years, being now president of the village council. His fraternal relations are with the Independent Order of Foresters. Mr. Knutson was married, May 23, 1906, to Alice B. Thompson, who was born in Jackson County, Wis., Feb. 20,1 875, daughter of Reier and Brunhild (Haugland) Thompson, of North Dakota. This union has been blessed with three children: Kenneth Ralph, born July 5, 1907, and died Sept. 2, 1907; Kermit Russell, born Aug. 22, 1911; and Blanche Annabel, born March 21, 1916. The family faith is that of the United Norwegian Lutheran church. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 395 ++++++++++++ Knut S. Knutson, has been one of the leading citizens of the county for many years. As an agriculturist he developed a good farm in the Beaver Creek Valley, as a merchant he assisted in the progress of Blair by building up an important store, and as county, village and school official he has done most efficient service to the community at large. Mr. Knutson is a native of Ulvik, Hardanger, Norway, born Feb. 20, 1856, the son of Urians and Brita (Severson) Knutson. The parents, born, respectively, July 6, 1823, and Dec. 13, 1830, brought the family to America in 1869, and settled on a homestead in the Beaver Creek Valley, in Ettrick Township, where the father died Feb. 15, 1901, and where the mother now makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. O. T. Johnson. As a young man Knut S. Knutson secured a farm in the Beaver Creek Valley, which he owned and operated for a number of years. Having attained success in this line, he determined to seek broader fields of opportunity, and in 1903 moved to Blair, where, with his sons, Julius O. and Edwin B., he purchased the hardware and implement store of Charles Johnson and established the firm of K. S. Knutson & Sons, which was succeeded in 1909 by the son, Julius O. Knutson. The subject of this sketch now devotes his time to looking after his various interests and to public service. As a member of the county board he has the advantage of eight years' experience, and he is regarded as one of the influential men of that body. For twenty years in Ettrick and for three years in Blair he has been a member of the school board. For two years he was on the village council of Blair. His fraternal relations are with the Independent Order of Foresters. His business holdings include stock in the Home State Bank, of Blair, of which he is a director, and in the Minneapolis (Minn.) State Bank of Commerce. Mr. Knutson was married June 8, 1878, to Anna Skaar, who was born in Ettrick Township, Dec. 23, 1858, daughter of O. N. and Engeborg Skarr, the former of whom was born June 27, 1822, and died Oct. 16, 1909, and the latter of whom was born Feb. 10, 1822, and died July 12, 1908. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Knutson has been blessed with four children: Julius O., Edwin B., Irvin N. and Ida. Julius O. is the leading hardware and implement dealer in Blair. Edwin B. organized the State Bank of Commerce at Minneapolis and of this institution he is now cashier. On June 23, 1903, he married ADah Pooler, of Onalaska, Wis. Irvin N. is cashier of the Coon Valley (Wis.) State Bank. He married Minnie Neprud, of Coon Valley, and they have two children, Genevieve and Irvin N., Jr. Ida is the assistant cashier of the Coon Valley State Bank. In addition to his holdings in this county, and in Grant County, N. D., Mr. Knutson and his two sons, Julius O. and Edwin B., own a 240-acre farm in Imperial County, Cal. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 393 ++++++++++++ Frank L. Koepke, who is engaged in business in Whiteiiall as horse trainer, and as manufacturer and distributor of the Koepke controller bridles and the Koepke leading and subduing bridle, was born in Pommern, Germany, July 14, 1868. His parents, William H. and Albertina (Geffe) came to the United States with their family in 1869, settling in southeastern Pennsylvania, where the father engaged in railroad work. In 1885 they came to Wisconsin, and for two years resided in La Crosse. Then coming to Trempealeau County, William H. Koepke took a farm in Burnside Township, which he operated five years. Subsequently buying a farm in Hale Township he made that place his residence for the rest of his life, dying in 1911 at the age of 76 years. His wife died in 1913 at the age of 78. Frank L. Koepke was employed in railroad work for two years in early manhood. He then worked on his father's farm until 1898, in which year he took up the business of horse breaking, in which he has become an expert, having handled successfully all kinds of vicious horses. For some time he worked on horse ranches in Western Nebraska, handling as many as 83 horses for one ranch. He was employed on the Spade ranch, the largest ranch in Nebraska, and also on the Ostrander ranch at the same place. In 1906 he came back to Whitehall and in 1911, in company with his brother Carl, he conducted his father's farm, afterwards operating part of it for himself until 1914, since which time he has lived in Whitehall. Mr. Koepke was married Nov. 2, 1910, to Frances Gibson of Whitehall, a daughter of James and Alice (Bateman) Gibson, and who for some 12 years before her marriage was engaged in teaching. Mrs. Koepke's father, who was a pioneer settler in this region, died in Whitehall in 1902 at an advanced age. Mr. and Mrs. Koepke have three children: William James, born Oct. 26, 1913; Fern Majorie, born Jan. 16, 1912, and Donald Richard, born June 13, 1916. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 753 ++++++++++++ Christian Kolden, an early settler, was born in Gulbrandsdalen, Norway, and was there reared and married Ingri Ramstad, who was born Dec. 3, 1838, and died Aug. 1, 1903. They came to America in 1870, and located near Urne, in Buffalo County, this State, remaining until 1884, when he secured 120 acres in section 10, town 23, range 7, Hale Township. This farm he developed and improved, increasing the property of 200 acres, and successfully carrying on general farming. He now makes his home with his son, Ole, who has the farm lying just across the road on the east. Mr. and Mrs. Kolden had five children: Ole, born Aug. 24, 1867, a farmer of Hale Township; Eldri, born June 13, 1875, in Buffalo County, who keeps house for her brother Ole; Torsten, born Jan. 16, 1878, also in Buffalo County, who died Aug. 27, 1881; Karen Torine, born May 16, 1880, who is the wife of Carl P. Hanson, a farmer near Onalaska, Wis.; and Thea Lydia, born Feb. 6, 1884, who married Orville Evenson, a farmer near Whitehall. She died Nov. 6, 1907. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 712 ++++++++++++ Ole Kolden, proprietor of the fertile Kolden Stock Farm of 160 acres in sections 9 and 16, town 23, range 7, Hale Township, is doing his full share toward developing the agricultural resources of the county. Energetic and capable, he is a successful farmer, a good neighbor and a useful citizen. He was born in Gulbransdalen, Norway, Aug. 24, 1867, son of Christian and Ingri (Ramstad) Kolden, who in 1870 brought him to America and settled in Buffalo County, this State, coming in 1884 to Hale Township, where he grew to young manhood and was trained to farm pursuits, assisting in the cultivation and development of the home farm. He bought his present farm in 1894, and moved onto it in 1908. Here he has since carried on general farming, operating it successfully, and keeping graded Holstein cattle, of which he has 30 head, with a registered sire; about 30 head of Poland-China hogs, and a flock of White Leghorn chickens. Like other enterprising farmers, he has improved his place from time to time by the ei-ection of new buildings, installed with modern conveniences. Thus, in 1910, two years after moving onto this property, he built his present residence, a two-story and basement house of nine rooms, installed with a hot water heating system and other modern improvements. In 1915 he built a barn, 44 by 64 by 14 feet above stone basement, with an ell 32 by 20 feet for horses. The barn has cement floors and steel fixtures all through. His granary and machine shed is a frame building, 16 by 28 feet, with an ell 32 by 34. All the buildings on the farm are well constructed and present a neat appearance. As one of the substantial and prominent men of his township, Mr. Kolden has not escaped public office, but has served cheerfully as township supervisor for four years and as school clerk three years. He is a member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Mr. Kolden was married, June 3, 1908, to Kari Moe, of Gary, Minn., who was born in Norway, June 18, 1878, daughter of Guttorm and Anna (Lyngve) Moe. She died April 15, 1912, leaving one child, Isabella Alvidia, who was born Nov. 6, 1910. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 712 - 713 ++++++++++++ John Konz, Jr., blacksmith, garage owner and opera house manager, of Osseo, was born in Dane County, Wis., April 3, 1870, son of John and Frances (Krisch) Konz. The second of a large family of 10 children, he remained at home until he was 24 years of age. Then he farmed near Osseo for a number of years. In 1907 he came to Osseo, and purchased the blacksmith shop of J. M. Anderson, which he now conducts. He also engaged in the sale of farm implements. In 1909 he enlarged and remodeled his building, and established an opera house on the upper floor. As a stockholder in the Farmers' Exchange Bank and as a director and stockholder in the Osseo Telephone Company he has taken his part in the financial and business development of the village and community. His fraternal affiliations are with the Modern Woodmen and the Beavers. The family faith is that of the Catholic church. Mr. Konz was married Feb. 1, 1898, to Elizabeth Andrus, of Sumner Township, daughter of Alvah and Angelia (Lane) Andrus, and descended from an old New York family. The father makes his home with Mr. and Mrs. Konz, while the mother died in 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Konz have four children: Ardys, Raymond, Margaret and Maurice. William died at the age of 6 weeks. John Konz, Sr., father of John Konz, Jr., was born in Germany, came to America in 1860, located on a farm seven miles south of Augusta, in Eau Claire County, Wis., in 1873, farmed there until 1911, and then moved to Augusta, where he is now the proprietor of the Augusta Hotel, one of the leading hostelries of that place. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," page 606 ++++++++++++ Henry Kopp, owner and operator of one of the best farms in Trempealeau County, a 450-acre tract lying in sections 21 and 22, Trempealeau Township, was born at Richmond, Winona County, Minn., July 15, 1858, son of John and Mary Kopp. The parents, who were natives of Germany, came to America in 1857. Henry acquired his education in the district school, and was brought up to farm work in his youth. Coming to Trempealeau County, he followed his accustomed vocation. Oct. 26, 1886, he was married in Trempealeau Village, by "Elder" Owen, Congregational pastor, to Avaline, daughter of Nathan and Mary (Bortle) Wilber. For one year after his marriage he worked the Wilber farm, and then, in the spring of 1887, bought 125 acres of improved land in sections 21 and 22, "Big Tamarac" Valley, Trempealeau Township. To this land he has since added by purchase 225 acres more, the new property adjoining the old, and now has a fine farm of 450 acres, beautifully situated, 150 acres of which are plowed land and the rest in timber and pasture. On this farm Mr. Kopp has made numerous improvements, including the erection of a two-story, seven-room house; a barn (No. 1), 32 by 84 feet, with lean-to 14 by 84, for hay and horses; a barn (No. 2), 32 by 64, with basement for cattle, laid with cement floors, and equipped with James cow stanchions, and all modern fittings; a granary, a scale house, a machine shed, an engine room. Mr. Kopp carries on general farming, and is a breeder of registered Shorthorn cattle, keeping about 100 head. He also keeps graded Poland-China hogs, and has a flock of 300 high grade Shropshire sheep. His farm has a rolling surface, the soil being a black loam, with good sub-soil, and is well watered. Up to date in his methods, Mr. Kopp has been very successful and is recognized as one of the most prosperous farmers in Trempealeau County. He is a stockholder in the Farmers' Exchange Elevator at Galesville. In politics a Republican, he has been active in the cause of good government, has served several terms as chairman of the town board and has for many years taken a keen interest in whatever was for the good of the township or county, whether along moral or material lines. He and his wife have had seven children, all born on the home farm, whose record in brief is as follows: Ernest, born Nov. 22, 1882, is a farmer in Trempealeau Township. He married Emma Van Vleet, and has three children: Helen, Ralph and Merle. Amy, born March 23, 1885, is the wife of George Wilson, a carpenter, and resides at Red Wing, Minn. She has two children: Doris and Wendel. Grace, born Oct. 4, 1887, is the wife of Herman Kline, a farmer of Trempealeau Township, and has three children: Norman, Gladys and Ethel. William, born Jan. 12, 1880, married Josie Severson, and is operating a rented farm in Trempealeau Township. John, born May 20, 1894, is unmarried and resides at home with his father, whom he assists on the farm. Byron P., born Sept. 18, 1898, is unmarried and living at home. Donald, born Aug. 17, 1901, is also residing at home, a boy of 15 years. Mr. Kopp was reared in the faith of the Lutheran Church, but is not a member of it, attending and supporting the Methodist Episcopal Church in Trempealeau. He and his family are widely known and highly esteemed. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 329 - 330 ++++++++++++ William F. Kopp, proprietor of a small but excellent farm of 43 acres in section 5, Trempealeau Township, was born in Germany, Nov. 25, 1850, son of John and Mary Kopp. Both parents were born in Germany, the father May 18, 1819. Mrs. Mary Kopp died when the subject of this sketch was a mere infant, and her husband subsequently contracted a second marriage. In April, 1857, he came to America with his family, locating in Milwaukee, Wis., where he resided until the spring of 1858. The family then removed to Richmond, Minn., just opposite Trempealeau Village, which was their place of residence until 1861. They then crossed over the river into Wisconsin, locating at Big Tamarac, in Trempealeau Township, five miles north of Centerville. John Kopp bought 80 acres of wild government land, on which he built a three-room log house, 16 by 24 feet, in which he and his family lived until 1865. He also purchased in the vicinity 320 acres more, which land was partially improved, there standing on it a fairly good farm house. Mr. Kopp continued the improvements by putting up log barns and sheds, and resided on this farm until his death, Sept. 20, 1892. His second wife had previously died, March 12, 1888. They are both buried in Evergreen Cemetery, near Centerville. William F. Kopp when a boy attended school in Richmond, Minn. He and his brother Charles were the only children by his father's first marriage, but he had three half-brothers, Henry, George and Frank, who are now living in Trempealeau County, and a half-sister, Josephine, who died in 1881. He was trained to agricultural pursuits and in time became the owner of a large farm, which he later disposed of. He now confines his attention to his farm of 43 acres in section 5, which is a very fine piece of agricultural property, under full cultivation. Here, besides raising the ordinary crops, he grows apples, plums and other small fruits. His residence, barn, granary and other buildings are all in excellent conditions, and for rapid transit purposes, and the general convenience of himself and wife, he has a fine automobile. He married Annie, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Harris, their wedding taking place at the home of the bride's parents in Trempealeau Township, Feb. 17, 1880. Mr. Kopp is a Democrat in politics, but has taken no active part in local government, except that for some years he served as a member of the school board. He was reared in the Lutheran faith and attends the church of that denomination at Galesville. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 326 - 327 ++++++++++++ Philip G. Kribs, who is engaged in farming and dairying on a good 80-acre farm in section 15, Trempealeau Township, was born in Elgin, Ill., Dec. 1, 1859. His parents were Paul and Sarah (Van Buren) Kribs, the father a native of Guelph, Canada, and the mother of Pennsylvania. They were married in Guelph, and went from Canada to Elgin, Ill., at an early day, residing in the latter place until 1865, when they came to Trempealeau County, Wis., locating on what is now the Theodore Schmidt farm in section 3-W, Trempealeau Township. This was an 80-acre tract of partially improved land, with a log house and barn. By additional purchases Mr. Kribs enlarged the farm to 160 acres, 40 acres of his new purchase lying across the road east. Here Paul Kribs resided until his death, December 3, 1877, his wife surviving him and living with her son Philip, who carried on the farm. Their children were: David, Ludwig, Mary, Jane, Aaron, Henry, Sarah, Paul, Philip G. and one that died in infancy. Those now living in addition to the subject of this sketch are: Ludwig, who resides in Alta, Canada; Paul, living in Aberdeen, S. D.; Sarah, who resides at Grants Pass, Ore., and Mary, residing in Medford, Ore. Philip G. Kribs acquired his education in the district school, which he attended until the age of 16 years, and then spent two winters at the La Cross Business University and one winter at Gale College, Galesville, Wis. Dec. 4, 1884, he was married at the home of his bride's parents, by the Rev. J. Irwin Smith, a Presbyterian minister, to Ella, daughter of William J. and Eliza Suttie, of Caledonia Township, Trempealeau County, and after marriage took his wife to his father's old home in section 3, Trempealeau Township. He was at that time working his father's farm, on which he lived until March, 1886. He then changed his occupation by going into the grocery business in Galesville, Wis., and was thus occupied until March, 1888. He then sold out in Galesville and went into the same business in Midway, La Crosse County, Wis., and while there was appointed postmaster. Remaining in Midway until the spring of 1890, he then made up his mind to go back to farming, and accordingly purchased 80 acres of improved land in section 15, Trempealeau Township, which constitutes his home farm. On it, however, he made a number of improvements. The original buildings were poor, but in 1904 he remodeled the house, which is now a good two-story frame dwelling of eight rooms. He has also erected a number of other buildings, including a new frame barn, a granary, milk house, corn crib, poultry house and a garage. As a farmer and dairyman he is doing a profitable business, having a herd of graded cows and a good sty of Poland-China hogs, together with a sufficient number of horses for the farm work and a good equipment of tools and machinery. He and his wife have four children: Grace S., Harry W., Paul W. and Mary E. Grace S., who was born in Galesville, Wis., April 21, 1887, is the wife of George Sagen, assistant cashier of the Merchants' Bank of Galesville, Wis. Harry W., born at Midway, Wis., July 10, 1889, is unmarried and resides at home with his father. He owns 40 acres in section 15 and 40 acres in section 22, improved land, which he farms in connection with the home place. Paul W., born in Trempealeau Township Feb. 12, 1892, is unmarried and lives on the home farm. Mary E., born in Trempealeau Township Oct. 19, 1902, lives at home and is attending the Galesville High School. In politics Mr. Kribs is a Democrat, but is not active politically beyond casting his vote. Since 1897 he has been a member of the Liberty Peak Camp, No. 2813, M. W. A., having passed all the chairs. He and his wife and daughter Grace are affiliated with the Centerville Methodist Episcopal church. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 516 - 517 ++++++++++++ Peter Kronschnabl, proprietor of the Arcadia Brewing Company, was born in Bavaria, Germany, June 29, 1870, son of Joseph and Magdalena (Gaschler) Kronschnabl. Both his parents were natives of Bavaria, Germany. The subject of this sketch was reared a farmer. From the age of 7 to that of 14 he attended the public schools and then took a special course of one year, being mentioned for high honors. Having finished his schooling, he worked on a farm until he was 18, and then began to learn the brewer's trade in Regen, a small town in Bavaria. Having learned his trade by the time he was 20, he went to Mainz, in North Germany, as brew master and remained there until June 25, 1892. From that time until Dec. 7, 1902, he traveled over Germany, subsequently returning to Mainz and the people for whom he had formerly worked. March 23, 1893, a big brewers' strike took place and Mr. Kronschnabl, with the others, left his position, he going to Zwiesel. The strike lasted for several months, and ended in defeat for the employees. Remaining in Zwiesel until Oct. 8, 1894, Mr. Kronschnabl then went to Traxelsried, Bavaria, where he superintended the construction of a large brewery. In the fall he went to Munich and attended a brewing school there, after which he accepted a position with the Webber Bros., of Waedensweil, Switzerland, working for them as brewer until June 12, 1896. In the fall of that year he came to America, landing in New York in the month of September. Making no stay in the East, he proceeded directly to Appleton, Wis., where for a short time he was in the employ of the Munich Brewing Company. From there he went to Milwaukee, where he worked for different brewing concerns and also attended a brewing school, taking No. 4 course. May 26, 1900, Mr. Kronschnabl left Milwaukee for Waukesha and spent some time in working for different companies in order to gain a more extended experience. Feb. 1, 1901, he was sent to Bay City, Mich., to superintend the construction of a brewery. After this work was done he returned to Milwaukee, and spent a year with the Milwaukee Brewing Company, going from there in 1905 to Alpena, Mich., where he remained one and one-half years, then returned to Milwaukee, going from there to Appleton, Minn., to superintend the building of a plant. Then returning to Alpena, Mich., he remained in that city until June, 1908, when he came to Arcadia as brew master and manager of the Arcadia Brewing Company. In May, 1909, he leased the plant and still operates it under the lease. Mr. Kronschnabl was married June 25, 1898, to Anna Schoenberger, daughter of Frank and Anna (Krause) Schoenberger, and a native of Bavaria, who came to America alone in 1898. This marriage was the culmination of an acquaintance begun in the old country. After landing in New York Miss Schoenberger proceeded to Waukesha, Wis., where they were married. Of this union the children born are: Anna, April 23, 1899; Violet, Aug. 15. 1900; Mary, Aug. 6, 1902; Peter Paul, born March 29, 1904, who died Aug. 22, 1911, while accompanying his mother on a visit to Bavaria, and was buried in that country; Catherine, born Jan. 21, 1906; Theresa, June 25, 1912, and Peter Joseph, March 13, 1915. All except Peter Paul are living at home. Mr. Kronschnabl is independent in politics and has held no public office. He belongs to the Eagles, the Catholic Foresters, the Bonneventura and for the past 10 years has been a member of the German verein. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 719 - 720 ++++++++++++ Rudolph and Henry Kube, who are prosperously engaged in farming in section 17, Arcadia Township, are sons of Gustave and Ernestine Kube, and were born, Rudolph in Arcadia Township May 1, 1887, and Henry in Arcadia Township Oct. 28, 1893. Their parents came to America from Germany in 1883. locating first in West Salem, Ill., where they remained nine months, and then coming to Arcadia Township, this county, where they purchased 80 acres of land from John G. Greiner. There were some improvements on it, but none very important, a one-room house with a log barn and granary being the only buildings. Water had to be carried or hauled for about a mile, but after a few years a 340-foot well and steel windmill were put in. Whenever time and money would permit land was bought adjoining the 80 acres until the farm now contains 396 acres. A quarry of hmestone was also opened and is today one of the finest in the county, being operated by steam and drill. The father and mother had built a commodious two-story brick upright to the house, a basement barn, 36 by 96 feet, and a machine shed and granary. The sons have since added a poultry house, 16 by 36 feet, and a silo. Mrs. Kube was born May 30, 1850, in Rohrsdorf, Province of Pommern, Germany, and, died July 15, 1912, in this township. Mr. Kube was born Sept. 13, 1849, in Gebersdorf, Province of Pommern, Germany. They were married Nov. 28, 1878, in Rohrsdorf, at the Lutheran church, with which church the family is affiliated. Nine children were born of this union, namely: Julius, Frederick, Martha, Gustave, Rudolph, Ida, William, Henry and Edward, the last mentioned of whom died in infancy. All are engaged in farming in this township, with the exception of William, who is operating a farm at Alma Center, Wis., and Martha, who is now Mrs. Percy T. Veto of Sanish, N. D., also living on a claim. Their father sold the old home Dec. 15, 1913, to the two sons, Rudolph and Henry, who have since operated it together in partnership. The father, who became a naturalized American citizen Oct. 4, 1915, lives with them, and Ida attends to the housekeeping, since neither of the sons is married. Rudolph and Henry had but little opportunity for schooling, but attended the district school whenever they could and thus picked up the rudiments of knowledge. They remained at home with their parents and worked on the farm, acquiring in good time a knowledge of agriculture. The subjects of this sketch are among the energetic and prosperous young farmers of Trempealeau County and are respected both for what they are and for what they have done. -Transcribed from the "History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917," pages 800 - 801 |