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Histories:  Trempealeau Co. Historical Accounts:

"History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917":

Chapter 2

Natural Resources

(By George H. Squier)

 -As transcribed from page 25

There is little to be said as to the mineral resources of the county. Its wealth lies in its agricultural resources. It is among the possibilities of the future that iron may be found in the underlying Pre-Cambrian rocks. And while it would be difficult, under present conditions, to mine it profitably, it would be possible that improved mining methods and the exhaustion of the more easily-mined deposits would sometimes make it possible.

Waterpowers have been developed at various points in the county, and the resulting mills have been an important factor in the economic development of the county.

The watercourses and many of the ridges are heavily wooded, thus furnishing the farmers with plenty of fuel and building material. Contrary to usual conditions where the coming of the white men has resulted in the denuding of the forests, there was little timber here when the settlers came but has been allowed to grow up in the past sixty years.