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Histories: Trempealeau Co. Historical Accounts:
"History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917": Chapter 23: More Historical Papers Early Burnside Records
-As transcribed from pages 898 - 900 At a meeting of the town of Burnside, held at the house of Giles Cripps, April 5, 1864, pursuant to an order issued by the County Board of Supervisors, the following were elected officers of the meeting: George E. Parsons, H. W. Rumsey and T. Moore, inspectors; G. H. Markham and Giles Cripps, clerks. The following named persons were duly elected town officers for the year 1864: G. E. Parsons, chairman, 9 votes; T. Moore and A. C. Baker, supervisors, 9 votes; George H. Markham, clerk, 9 votes; Giles Cripps, treasurer, 9 votes; H. D. Rumsey, assessor, 9 votes; justices of the peace, Charles Lyne, 1 year, 9 votes; G. Parsons, 2 years, 5 votes; H. W. Rumsey, 2 years, 9 votes; Giles Cripps, 1 year, 9 votes; constables, H. D. Rumsey, 9 votes, and L. Bautch, 9 votes. The inspectors of elections were G. E. Parsons, Talcott Moore and H. W. Rumsey. The poll list consisted of A. C. Baker, sworn; Charles Lyne, Peter Sura, Lawrence Bautch, Talcott Moore, Giles Cripps, George H. Markham, H. P. Rumsey, George E. Parsons; total, 9. Cripps was uanimously elected overseer of highways, district No. 3 of the town of Burnside. The following acts were passed: 1. Hogs not to be allowed free commons under a penalty of one-quarter of a dollar for each head. 2. Five dollars ($5) raised for the purpose of buying a burial ground. 3. Motion made, seconded and carried that the board of supervisors be appointed a committee to confer with Giles Cripps and W. H. Whitmore for the purchase of a burial ground. 4. Moved, seconded and carried that we hold the next town meeting at the schoolhouse. 5. Moved, seconded and carried that this meeting be adjourned at 4 o'clock, Nov. 5, 1864. At a meeting of the board of supervisors held at the house of George H. Markham, April 9, 1864, it was determined that the town of Burnside should compose one road district to be known as road district No. 3. Dated April 9, 1864. G. E. Parsons and Talcott Moore, supervisors. At a special town meeting held at the schoolhouse, district No. 1 of the town of Burnside, on June 20, 1864, a tax of $100 was raised for the purpose of opening a road to Beef River; also a tax of $50 for the contingent expenses of said town. G. E. Parsons, chairman; T. Moore and A. C. Baker, inspectors. A special meeting held June 20, 1864, at which it was determined that road district No. 3 should hereafter be known and described as road district No. 1 of the town of Burnside. By an order of the town board dated July 6, 1864, a new school district was established as district No. 2. Nov. 8 school district No. 3 was established. By an order of the town board dated Dec. 10, 1864, these two districts were consolidated as school district No. 2. By an order of the town board dated January 23, 1865, two new road districts were formed as districts No. 1 and No. 2. At a special town meeting held Jan. 23, 1865, held at the schoolhouse in district No. 1 of the town of Burnside for the purpose of raising $660 to procure volunteers, the proposition was carried unanimously. The proposition of raising a tax of $264.69 to pay the indebtedness of the town on the back call, was carried by one vote, votes standing 7 for, 6 against. In the poll list of this meeting were the names of Michael White, James Reid, J. L. Hutchins, T. Bennett and Nephi Nichols for the first time recorded; total votes, 13. The financial statement of the town for 1864 and 1865 is: County and State tax, $225.17; town tax, $155; school tax, $270; total, $650.17. Amount of orders drawn, $426.65; amount of orders paid, $339.40; deficit of $87.25. Delinquent tax list, $455.31; due on orders, $87.25; leaving on hand, $360.06. Beef River road and county, $270; leaving on hand a surplus of $98.06. There was also paid out on what the record calls the Arcadia War Fund $76.43. There is a record, June 29, of $168.67 paid the town of Arcadia in full on this fund at the town meeting April 4, 1865. There were 20 votes cast. It was voted that $100 be raised for the contingent fund; that no money be raised for town school purposes; and that no highway tax be raised for road purposes. At the town meeting April 3, 1866, the following resolution was adopted: "Resolved, That the public money raised for bounty purposes by the county of Trempealeau shall be paid only to the soldiers who have been honorably discharged fromt he service of the United States and to the heirs of the soldiers who have died before receiving the county bounty of $50. Resolved, that in order that the public money raised for bounty purposes may not be paid to other than the soldiers or their heirs, the county board of supervisors should take no cognzance of any transfer or assignment of bounty, but should adhere to the rule heretofore adopted to allow the bounty only on the applicaiton of the soldier, accompanied by his certificat of honorable discharge from the United States service, and on the application of the heirs of deceased soldier upon satisfactory proof of the service and death of the soldier and the heirship of the applicants. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be presented to each of the county supervisors." The following territory was taken from the town of Burnside and added to the town of Lincoln, to take effect April 1, 1867: The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, section 25; the east half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northeast half, section 35 and 36; town 22, range 9 west. At the election held April 7, 1868, the question of removing the county seat from the village of Galesville to the village of Trempealeau, 44 votes were cast, 10 for removal and 34 against. May 3, 1873, a special election was held for the purpose of voting on the proposition to grant bonds to the amount of $20,000 to aid the Green Bay and Lake Pepin Railroad (now the G. B. & W). The vote stood 9 for and 93 against, with one deficient. In 1879 the inhabitants of that part of the town that now comprises the town of Chimney Rock (township 23) agitated the splitting of the town. The question was voted on at the spring election of 1880 with the following result; In town 22, for, 38; against, 157; in town 23, for, 110; against, 5. The proposition not receiving a majority in both parts of the town, it was lost. It was again voted on in the spring of 1881 and carried. - by James N. Hunter. |