Histories: Trempealeau Co. Historical Accounts:
"History of Trempealeau County Wisconsin, 1917": Chapter 7: Influx Begins
-As transcribed from page 68
was after 1850 that the settlement of the interior of the county took
place, and for a period of fifteen years settlers poured into the
valleys of Trempealeau County, principally from southern and eastern
Wisconsin. Many were from New York State originally, with a
goodly number from the New England States. They came in all manner of
ways, but steamboat, by stage, afoot, on horseback, with ox teams and
covered wagons, with wagons drawn by horses, and often driving behind
their caravan a herd of cattle, while tied to the rear of the wagon in
a well-constructed box was the vociferous porker, proclaiming his
presence at every stop.